Friday, November 27, 2020

Thankgiving, 2020

Put a wash in before breakfast, then just putzed around after that. Betty called and we wished each other a happy. I showered and dressed, then Patrick, my ride, called and we met outside.

It was actually a pleasant ride to Ojai. Patrick is yet another (I know dozens) former R.C., now liberated into a kind of free-form "don't know and neither does anyone else" autonomy. He's 66 (he didn't tell me this, I looked him up on White Pages), but still working in home renovation sales. We mostly talked, wouldn't you know, about the damn virus and agreed on some points. I get the impression he's a conservative Repub, not unusual in that age and gender.

He dropped me off at Ellen's door about 1:00 and absolutely refused to take the twenty dollars we had agreed on. I tried to insist, but he shrugged it off. I hope I can do something for him sometime and told him that. 

Anyway, I went in and oh, boy, what a wonderful day! I had decided to dress in something other than my usual, so hauled these components out of the closet. El took a picture and here it is:

(Damn! Now I can't remember how to get this over to the left. Oh, well, I'll leave it like this.)

Anyway, while Ellen did most (all) of the work, we talked and laughed, I played with adorable kitties, watched the very first broadcast of The Twilight Zone, and enjoyed myself immensely. El made Margaritas and we drank them outside in beautiful weather.

Son Mike Facetimed us and it was so, so good seeing and talking to him and 12-year-old Violet. (It was the day after for them and Paula and Vivian were out.)

We ate about 5:00 and, of course, it was delicious. El had roasted a turkey breast, along with tiny potatoes and delicious Brussels sprouts, dressed with maple syrup plus. She had made her own cranberry sauce and other additions. Along with a good Pinot Grigio (I buy cheap wine, El doesn't), it was sumptuous. 
Here we are, about to feast:
Happily, Greg came in from work while we were still eating. (He eats only natural, organic, and, I guess, foods blessed by a vegan guru.) It was so good to chat with him--among other topics, we discussed his little granddaughter, who should be entering the world in about six weeks. Even Gwennie and Cessy like him; neither would let me pick them up, but they did Greg--unfair, I says!  

After pumpkin pie with whipped cream, El took me home about 8:00. It was a quiet--which I suspect it was for a lot of people--but a lovely Thanksgiving, thanks to my girl.     



iloveac said...

I absolutely love that outfit. You look fantastic. I like your hair too...I usually don't like gray hair...maybe it's the looks wonderful.

Mimi said...

Pat, as I noted on your blog today, I haven't been getting comments on email as I used to. It has me as, instead of the new Presumably, I'll get this at the former address, also. Will try to change it.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...