Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Doc's And Liberation

Walked Kimball, had breakfast, then got to my 9:45 doctor's appointment. Dr. Jennings was again delighted at my progress (according to their scale, I'm down to 145, although I'm not sure how that could be, as I weighed 148 on Friday at SCAN). She decided to halve my Atvorstatin (for cholesterol), although she wants me to continue the BP medication. Speaking of which, my pressure now seems to running higher, but okay--roughly something like 110/65 most of the time. We chatted for quite a while; I had given the nurse a copy of my "Acting for Amateurs" flyer and asked her to put it in the break room. Dr. J. saw it and marveled that I was doing it--"You'll be eighty-one...!"* BP: 122/84. Got flu shot.
Went home and changed, then searched for one of my plays, a comedy about a soap opera. I want to revise it to make it topical for here (I had referenced the Jersey shore in the original) and modify a bit. Finally found it.
After lunch, went to town as usual and did the walk. Read for a while, walked back and, because WinCo had no spaghetti squash, stopped at Ralph's to get some. As soon as I got home, I pierced it and softened it in the microwave. Removed the seeds, cut it in half, and finished it off cooking, scooped it out, and I'll have it tomorrow and several subsequent days.
* I was slightly flatter at her comment, but I find it irritating, too. What in the hell do people think eighty-year-olds should do? Watch television all day? Nag their kids? Curl up and die? What I wish people would realize is I haven't changed. I'm exactly the same person I was twenty years ago--or forty, for that matter. Just smarter, maybe, and less likely to believe everything I was told in second grade. I'm liberated and wish it could have happened sooner.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...