Saturday, September 30, 2017


Pretty busy day. After Kimball, I went to T.O.P.S. Lost a bit, but not much; am now down 37.6 pounds.
Breakfasted, then set about gathering artifacts and photos from the Figenshu and Byrne clans. Good grief, what a project! I have so much and I scanned and copied a lot of it. While I was digging out stuff in various places, Suzanne came over to give me some of her delicious little tomatoes. We sat and chatted for a half hour or so--I was glad for a respite--then I went back to my task. I'm not even sure at this point how I'm going to assemble this to make any sense for Patrick. Don't know, either, whether my nephew actually wants pictures besides info. Well, I'll figure something out.
Didn't have lunch until 1:30, then took off for town. On the way to the library, I noticed that Holy Cross School was having what they called "a rummage sale." Went in and bought four nice white bowls and six glass plates. I use a lot of bowls are these plates are a size between sandwich plates and large dinner ones--just right for my usual dinner of fish and a veggie.
I had to walk back to the car to leave off the (heavy) bag of tableware, then retrace my steps to the library. That was all right; I was glad to get the extra exercise. Left about 4:00 and went to WinCo for various.
Called Nancy when I got home and we confirmed our date to tour Dudley House tomorrow. First, we'll go to the Black Angus for lunch at 1:00. I told Nance I'm even going to order off the menu--ta dah!

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...