Monday, September 18, 2017

MeetUp and Vietnam

Walked Kimball, did the Sunday things, then spent hours (well, it seemed like hours) trying to straighten out the Meetup snafu. I'm not even sure if it's okay yet, but I'm so damn sick of it, I don't care.
After that, I suddenly galvanized myself and cleared out a lot of both my bedroom and hall closets. I removed a bunch of clothes, which are now too big; I'll donate them to either a thrift store or St.John's, where Suzanne works. Moved some things around, so I have more space for this and that. There's still plenty of things I need to do, especially go through the linen closet, which is just jammed.
Lunched, then went to town for the m. to l. walk. Stayed in the latter and read for about an hour. Home, I chopped up several peppers and onions--froze some and stir-fried the rest with ground turkey for dinner.
I saw the first episode of The Vietnam War last night. I thought Burns did a pretty credible job, especially in explaining the tangled history and incredible cruelty toward of the west toward that tiny country. Also, the part about Ho Chi Minh was riveting. Gee, that's funny, he's been portray as practically the devil with horns--a commie, that is--when this country could have so easily have been an ally and helped to free his country from the French. He appealed to the U.S. to do exactly that, but that would have been as likely as Trump reading Proust. Our system, capitalism, and its evil twin, militarism, would never have allow it. Incidentally, I've been to Ho Chi Minh City, formerly known as Saigon, and I'd love to go back.

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