Friday, September 08, 2017

Acting for Amateurs and Boring Books

Walked the walk, did a bunch of paper (computer) work, then stopped into SCAN to discuss the renewal of my contract for Acting for Amateurs.
Yes, indeed, Brenda wants me back, and we went over particulars of my contract. We decided on six sessions (as I had had in Jersey), with a performance at the end and I agreed to admit twelve, instead of ten, participants. She asked for what she called "an invoice," but said it could be in the form of a letter. I sent if off to her a few hours later as an attachment. Notably, I suggested a considerable increase in my compensation, based on the addition of sessions and so on. I'm willing to negotiate, though. I think I'll set up a Meetup page for this; it's fairly inexpensive and might be worthwhile.
Went to town as usual and had to admit I lost my library card. Got a new one with no problem, of course. I try to intersperse in my usual non-fiction reading some fiction here and there and picked up two books by some obscure mystery writer, who won some kind of even more obscure "award." Went from the libarary to Smart 'n' Final (the stupidest name for a supermarket--or anything else--I ever heard) and picked up some yummy fresh tuna steaks and other stuff. Called my brothers and Betty to tell them the news about Larry and the hurricane.
Hey, that sounds like a title: Larry and the Hurricane! Speaking of reading material, the two books I got yesterday bored the hell out of me after the first few pages and I'll take them back today.

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