Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Early Rising and Class

Boy, am I careless. I meant to change the alarm from 6:15 to 6:00 and thought I had. Woke up, got up, washed and so on, then sat down at the computer. To my chagrin, I saw it was 5:09 am. Of course, I stayed up, did my thing, and got Kimball early, but I was annoyed with myself.
After breakfast and a shower, I went to keep the appointment with Brenda at SCAN. We actually had a pretty good meeting. She assured me they were publicizing my class and, in fact, we chatted a bit. She used to be an advocate at public house in L.A., but said she got disgusted with the private companies that actually managed the places. (Seems to me this is just another example of the terrible trend to privatizing. Our prisons and many of our schools have been put in the corporate hands, all to the detriment of anything like democracy or the voice of the people.)
Brenda commutes here every day from L.A.--poor girl, she said she can't move down here because she and her ex share custody of their two kids. Anyway, she assured me they would be publicizing classes soon and that's fine. While I was there, I signed up for a bone density test for 9:45 this morning.
Went from there directly to WinCo for salmon, spinach, and acorn squash. Got home and prepared cauliflower in the smaller slow cooker, then left after lunch for town. Did the usual, stopping on the way back for Romaine and tomatoes.
Betty called when I got home and we had a long talk. She's leaving this morning for Baltimore, as our brother, Frank, is visiting his son, Patrick, the ologargist--I can't spell it and neither can SpellCheck--head and neck surgeon at Johns Hopkins. I hope to visit Frank in Alameda when he gets back.

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Julie picked me up at 9;00, then we stopped for Regina and off we went to the BCNN  meeting. It was raining (horrors!) and we agreed we didn...