Saturday, September 02, 2017

Two Danas and the Townehouse

Busy day. Walked Kimball, then went to T.O.P.S. I was pleased to have lost another 3.8 pounds for a total of 34 off. Also, I'm now in the 140s (148.4), which is nice to know. We have a new member, Robin, who's on dialysis--I'm not sure the reason.
Had breakfast, then changed and tidied up a bit. Carolyn and her friend, Dana, came about 11:30. It's amusing that Carolyn's husband is also named Dana; I was told they refer to him as "Boy Dana" and her as "Girl Dana." We sat and talked for a bit; Dana was Carolyn's across-the-street neighbor for several years when they lived in one section of Santa Barbara; when they moved, Dana said, "I cried for days." She and husband--I assume they don't have children--bought a condo overlooking Grant Park just four months ago. She's 55, but retired and they go to Baja, California for annual, month-long visits. I suggested Jasmine Thai for lunch and we went there. It was good as ever; I had some kind of mild veggie stir-fry and a Singh beer.
After, we went to The Townehouse to visit Dana's mother, who lives there. It's been months since I've been to their Friday wine and music gatherings, but Activities Director Anne remembered me. I also saw Joe LaRocca and we greeted each other happily. Dana's mother has a nice two-bedroom on the seventh floor, with gorgeous views of the ocean. We were introduced, but unfortunately, she was in bed at the time; didn't feel well and she suffers with arthritis.
Carolyn and Dana dropped me off at my place later and I changed again, then drove to town. Damn, it was hot, but I walk on the shady side, so it was bearable. However, when I got to the library, I found it was closed because of the heat. No matter, as the walk is the important thing.
Stopped at WinCo on the way home and got lovely grapes, blueberries, and raspberries.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...