Wednesday, September 06, 2017

My Computer and Father Berrigan

Got lots done and was in a buoyant mood all day.
When I opened the door at 7:15 for my usual Kimball jaunt, I was charmed to find a beautiful little origami swan. It's not the usual kind, but is pure white and kind of pleated--just lovely. I knew Suzanne had left it, along with a copy of Time magazine. I wasn't nearly as charmed by that, but I know she means well.
After breakfast, I cleaned up a bit in preparation for Victor, the computer guy. He got here, as promised, promptly at 10:00. Cleaned up a lot that was slowing the 'puter, but said he was unable to remedy the Word problem. Therefore, he installed a (free) substitute called Office Something. I was fine with that as all my documents are there and I can now add changes. While he was slaving away over the damn thing, I called Nancy and we made a date for lunch on Friday at Mimi's.
As soon as Victor left, I hauled my clothes to the laundry place. Set the timer for thirty minutes and spent that half hour using my trusty Chop Wizard on first, a big cauliflower, then cucumber, then chicken. By the time I finished, I had to put the stuff in the dryer, during which I used up the forty-five minutes it takes to go to the 99 Cent store for a few things. Zipped back home, got my clothes, had lunch (later than usual this time, about 2:15), then left for town.
Went the usual m. to l., then read for an hour.*
It was about 5:00 when I got home and I rang Suzanne's bell to thank her for the swan. She invited me in and we talked for a bit--always a pleasure with her. In fact, I repeated to her the note at the bottom.
Had salmon, fried mushrooms, and Brussels sprouts for dinner; to me, all that is yummy.
BCNN meeting today.
*What I chose was Daniel Berrigan's We Die Before We Live.
A living saint (well, he was living until April of 2016), Father Berrigan has written many books. This one is about his volunteer work at St. Rose Hospital on the hospice ward. What he writes is both spiritual and thoroughly human. I now want to read more by and about him. I do know enough to know that the day he's canonized is the day I'll return to the Church.
Fat chance.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...