Sunday, September 03, 2017

Good One

An enjoyable day. After walking Kimball and breakfast, I fooled around with my Dudley House costume. Added a black ribbon for around the neck and a gold chain with a fish on it. I'll take one of my fans, of course; I'm going to need it, as Dudley House isn't air-conditioned. This is not, of course, the kind of fan I have going as I type. The one I'll take to Dudley House has a wood frame and is made of old, gauzy material. You fan it out, then wave it back and forth in front of your face to create cooling air. Interesting concept.
Called Ellen, who said she was about to call me, as she wanted to go to Ventura and look for extra sheets at thrift stores. She knows I frequent those establishments and asked for recommendations. I decided on The Bargain Box and Cat's Cradle, both high-end types. She asked if I wanted to get manicure, too--sure thing--and she made appointments at 4:00 at Jessica Nails for both of us.
In the meantime, I ran out to Wal-Mart for a few items, including a birthday card for Mr. K., soon to be four years old. I wanted to send it off yesterday, and the gift (probably from Amazon Japan) will follow. I ran into Doris there and we chatted for a bit. I see her on Wednesday at the BCNN meeting.
El got here at 2:00 and we set off for the stores mentioned above, with a side trip to the post office. She didn't find the sheets she wanted, as she buys only 100 percent cotton and these were blends. She did buy a decorative pillow for her sofa and I bought a rockin' purple kind of sweater shrug. We then went to our nail appointments, after stopping at Wendy's for iced tea. She got gel, I got regular, and we both chose soft pink polish. By the time we left, it was five o'clock, so El dropped me off and we said goodbye.
I was home before I realized I hadn't don't the town walk for the first time in weeks, if not months. I go to Dudley House at 1:00 so probably, I don't do it today, either, but that's okay.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...