Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Same Old, Same Old, and SCAN

I forgot to mention yesterday that on Sunday, I stopped on the way home at the Cat's Cradle Thrift Shop. I dropped off a large number of blouses, tops, pants, and shoes that I can no longer wear. They're all in perfect, like new, condition, but are just too large. I'll declare this on my income tax, for what it's worth.
Monday: Again, the usual morning walking Kimball, then breakfast. After that, I called SCAN and asked to arrange an appointment with Brenda. They don't really have a secretary setup--I'm not sure what setup they have--and I was told she makes her own appointments. I left a message and she called me back; I'll see her today at 10:30. I have a lot of concerns about the prep for the acting class. SCAN seems to have an organization problem.
Speaking of which: coincidentally, when I was walking from the library back to the museum yesterday, who did I run into but former manager Tony! He gave me a big hug, which I returned. I immediately expressed my shock and disappointment at his abrupt departure from SCAN and he indicated it was a shock to him, too. Unfortunately, we couldn't talk further because his bus was at the curb and he had to put his bike on the front, then get on. I hope to see him again.
Stopped at a store--okay, Goodwill--and picked up a nice wool coat/jacket. It's navy blue and very much like what we used to call a six-button benny, but it's short--goes to about the tops of my legs. It fits perfectly, so I was pleased to find it for $8.99. It doesn't get frigid here, of course, but when I walk at seven in the morning, it can blow up pretty cold.

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Julie picked me up at 9;00, then we stopped for Regina and off we went to the BCNN  meeting. It was raining (horrors!) and we agreed we didn...