Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Hair And S.S.

Walked Kimbell, had breakfast, stripped my bed, took laundry to the place, re-made the bed, did lots of stuff on this computer, went to WinCo for provisions, and then it time for lunch. Got that out of the way, showered, and left for my 2:45 hair appointment.
I had wanted a color and cut, but without enumerating the tedious reasons why, it took Christina SO LONG to do me, I skipped the cut, but still didn't get out of there until after 5:00, for Pete's sake. Possibly, that was because whiffy Christina talks and talks and talks about her ever-so-boring life and while she does, seems to forget I'm a customer. I finally escaped and no, I'll never go back.
Got home, changed, and left for the widder group ("Soaring Spirits," about the most idiotic and saccharine title I've ever heard, but at least it contains alliteration). Got there a bit after 6:00 to find Vera, Susan, and eight others, all widows of a variety of ages from about 45 to--well, yours truly; I'm resigned to "the oldest one" slot, which I occupy in almost any gathering.
Anyway, I bought my usual five tangerines and ordered my usual Chardonnay and enjoyed the usual talk and laughs. Susan has adopted a wolf in Indiana and will be visiting it on the preserve in a few weeks. Donna outfitted a closet in her (large) home for her boyfriend and showed us pictures. Elise lost her husband only a year ago and is worried about her 21-year-old fire fighter son, who can't seem to find a girlfriend. Carolyn, who lives in Ojai, said she'd let me know where her hairdresser works in Ventura.
Of course, all of us have our trials and triumphs and we share with each other openly. I'm very grateful to be in this mixed-age group, unhappy though the circumstances are that brought us together.

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