Thursday, September 21, 2017


Walked Kimball, then just had time for breakfast and a quick shower before dressing for the Ventura Council for Seniors meeting. This--for a change--included an interesting speaker, Catherine somebody, who heads up the health insurance counseling arm of the county commission. This gal was pretty unprepossessing to look at: very much overweight and probably close to my age, but boy, she was a dynamite speaker. I'm going to bring my information to her and her staff one of these days.
It ran longer than usual, so we didn't end up until 11:30, but that was okay by me. Went home and changed, had lunch, then did a few chores.
Drove out to West Ventura to the Senior Center and drop off a flyer for my course to be posted. Ran into Steve Y. He usually attends V.C.S., but said he forgot this time. He then started a long tirade on how boring the meetings were, especially the speakers, and why didn't we get any "good ones?" I asked for suggestions, but as so often happens with chronic complainers, he didn't have any--he just likes to complain.
Went from there to the museum and did the usual walk to the library. This time, I didn't read anything weighty, but just looked through some books of New Yorker cartoons from the fifties. Some struck me as funny, some as just too arch and smug for my taste.
Drove home and cut up tomatoes, added fresh parsley, olive oil, and vinegar and will use that in salads for the next few days.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...