Thursday, November 01, 2012

Home And The Patriot Act

Homesweethome.  We got here about 11:00 and settled into my much-appreciated home base and sister Betty with me.  Spent some time unpacking and checking the house for any problems.  There were absolutely none inside or out.  Caught up with Susan, Bob O. across the street and the D.'s next door.  Latter had taken in my paper (only Tuesday's was delivered) and mail.  We both made a lot of calls and sent e-mails keeping relatives and friends apprised of our whereabouts.
Betty and I sat and watched on my computer lots of videos and pictures of the storm's aftermath.  Long Beach Island is just devastated--hard to believe I did the murder mystery there only three days before the storm hit.  We were pleased to become aware that Ventnor, where Betty lives, seems to have escaped the worst of it.  Power still out, though.
Tried via phone and e-mail to get in touch with Doreen T. president of the Friends of the Stafford Library, but with no luck.  My Dionne Quintuplet program is scheduled for this morning at 10:30 and at this point, I have no idea if it's on or not.  Libraries were closed yesterday, so at this point, I'll just have to call at 9:00 and find out.
Talked several times to Aline and asked if she'd like to go with us to Mystic Casino (just a restaurant) for dinner.  A girl after my own heart, she immediately answered, "Sure!" and we picked her up at 5:30.  Turned out the place wasn't serving food, only booze--and boy, there were plenty of people happy with that.  I suggested Doyle's Pour House instead, we went there and had wonderful hamburgers--I think they're the best in town.  Because it's styled after an Irish pub, I had a Harp (beer) to go with it--delish.
Aline came in after and the three of us talked a bit.  She's hoping to get up to Manhattan today (by bus) to visit her sister-in-law and little niece.
Nice day and I'm so glad to be home.
WIDER:  Boo! Does the following scare you?  It should.


Jim Wetzel said...

Don't know that it scares me, exactly ... more like, it makes me really, really angry.

Mimi said...

Understood. And what infuriates me even more is the title: "Patriot Act." What a sick corruption of the language that is!


Julie picked me up at 9;00, then we stopped for Regina and off we went to the BCNN  meeting. It was raining (horrors!) and we agreed we didn...