Sunday, November 25, 2012

Great Day

What a fabulous day!  Betty arrived about 1:30 bearing Sacco subs and nephew Dave got in a  half hour or so later.  We talked for a bit, then repaired to the kitchen to dig in.  Oh, yummy, yum, yum, with a glass of cold beer--which Dave and I had--you can't beat a sub for sustenance.
We were delighted when Dave told us that his sis, Joan, and her Jim, were coming down, too, which they did after we had finished lunch.  The six of us sat in the living room for several hours, talking, reminiscing, catching up on family news, and generally having a ball.  We're all thrilled at the fact that Dave and Polly will be leaving for Rome in May, his first assignment for his new employer, the U.S. Foreign Service.*
Left for Oyster Creek Inn about 6:00, Betty riding with Dave, me with J. and J.  I had never been there before, but what a neat place!  Way, way at the end of a dark road, it's on water--I guess the bay--and is nothing if not casual.  It goes the whole genre way: a rustic porch around it, plank floor, checkered table cloths, and a bar made from an old boat.  However, the food is superb; going along with that, prices are high, but darling Dave insisted on treating, and we had a great dinner.
I had tuna tartar, which isn't even on the menu at most of the mundane restaurants I frequent.  It was rubbed with sesame seeds and seared outside, but virtually raw within.  I had it for the first time in Hawaii years ago and love it.
We had a fine, convivial dinner, then Darling Dave left for D.C. (I hadn't realized he moved from North Carolina, so this was only about a three-hour drive.)  Poor Dave had forgotten the extra sub he had in my refrig, so bestowed it on Joan and Jim, who stopped back at the house to get it.
Betty and I sat up for an hour or so chatting, then retired.  Great day, great family--lucky us.
* As I write, Polly is winging her way back from New Zealand, where she had spent a week with their veterinarian daughter, Alice. 

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...