Friday, November 30, 2012

Lunch And That Stupid Cliff

Woke up at 3 am with a lousy stomach ache.  It's easing up a bit, but I can still feel it--pretty uncomfortable.
Had a nice day yesterday, though.  After the horror of the lottery thing, I went to the library and Acme and otherwise did this and that (what? Don't remember).
Got to Pat L.'s at 1:00 for a lovely and leisurely lunch.  She served butternut squash soup, Caesar salad, pasta and shrimp dressed with oil and garlic, and cranberry apple pie--all homemade and delicious.  Pat's a dedicated talker-- I'm no slouch in that department, either--so we gabbed until almost 4:00.  She had submitted a little piece about her granddaughter being named "Athlete of the Week" at Warren Hills High School and I expanded it a bit.  Also asked for a picture of the girl and we'll run both in the January issue of The Breeze.
Speaking of which, the December issue came out yesterday, unusually early.  Considering that the storm had wiped out a lot of Senior Publishing's operations, it's remarkable they got it out at all. 
Continuing to speak (write) of which, today at two I'm interviewing Regina and Mike B. for the next "Blowing In The Wind" profile.  Hope my stomach continues to improve.  
WIDER:  When the revolution comes, the slogan-makers should be the first to be sent to--well, with our luck, some kind of gorgeous tropical island to wallow in luxury.  "Fiscal cliff"--AAGH!


Jim Wetzel said...

That's quite a good cartoon! (The "cliff" one.)

Mimi said...

It is that, Jimbo.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...