Tuesday, November 06, 2012


Went early to Acme and picked up some bleach to donate to the clean-up effort.  Got a half-pound of chicken breast to make a sandwich to take to the movie.  I was surprised and dismayed to see the prices of both.  Did things suddenly get much more expensive or have I been living in a dream world?
Picked up Aline at 12:30 and suffered two more sticker price jolts when we got to the theatre.  Tickets cost EIGHT DOLLARS, this on a Monday afternoon with maybe twenty other people spread out over the six or so movies they were showing.  I bought a small--that's small, not medium, large, or gigantic--iced tea and it cost $4.75.  Gawd!
Argo was surprisingly good.  I enjoyed it, but was dismayed at what seemed a subtle demonizing of Iranians in general.  It included, however, mention of the horrors inflicted under the Shah and the role the U.S. played in placing him in power. 
Stopped after at Lowe's, Wal-Mart, and Home Depot trying to find "head lights" in case we lose power again.  All sold out, wouldn't you know, but I got three each of buckets and plastic containers I'll bring to Pinelands High today.  I happened to mention to a clerk that I'm donating them and was pleased when she took five percent off the order.  I'll remember that about Home Depot.
Went to dinner at Sweetwater Casino, hoping they had extended their Oktoberfest menu, but they hadn't.  We got excellent hamburgers, though, and a Blue Moon for me.
Finally getting back into The Breeze mode, I'm interviewing a resident on Sunrise Bay Boulevard this morning.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...