Thursday, November 15, 2012

At Betty's

Just got home from Betty's, where I spent the night.  I had a rehearsal in Margate for one of the plays we're doing on December 15th, and I didn't want to drive home in the dark.
I left my place about 2:00 yesterday, as I wanted to stop at Boscov's because they were having a shoe sale.  It was mobbed, but I bought a pair of Keds and a birthday present for someone.  Next stop was Canal's where I stocked up on wine, then Produce Junction for Brussels sprouts, turnips, and mushrooms.
Went over the Longport bridge to Absecon Island, then took a dry run to find the house on Clermont Avenue where we were meeting.  Got to Betty's close to 4:00.  Workmen were just taking off the door to her laundry room from the kitchen, then renovating it to provide a nice big closet and more room in the kitchen.
We ate at "Uncle Gino's" across the street, then I drove to rehearsal.  It went well--it's readers' theatre, after all--and I got back to Betty's about 8:15.  Had several glasses of the wine I bought at Canal's with popcorn and pretzels thoughtfully provided by Betty.  We enjoyed a nice sisterly talkfest and didn't turn in until after 11:00.
This morning, we met several friends of Betty's for their "Thursday Breakfast Club."  I had met them all before, and have known Helen C. and Betty M. for years.  Betty treated me to breakfast and I had a lovely time.  One of the women mentioned that the garden center across the street had mums, 10 for ten dollars and as soon as I left, I went over there and bought ten.  Stopped at Boscos's again and got yet another pair of sneakers and some earrings.  Geez, I had so much in the car--flowers in pots, sneakers, birthday present, suitcase, two other carryalls, wine, and veggies, plus the usual stuff I carry "in case I need it" --I could hardly fit in myself. 

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...