Friday, November 16, 2012


I was pleased to find at my door yesterday a tee shirt with information from a girl's school in India.  Where'd it come from?  From Susan, my walking partner's ex-husband's second wife, Joanne.  (Love those awkward sentences!)  Joanne works at a Catholic Church in Marmora and volunteers at the school; she's on her way there right now.  I've met Joanne and I'm very much interested in the school.
After unpacking and getting squared away with home-again, I finally, at long last, got the Montauk (?) daises dug up and cleared out the front.  I put the ten beautiful mums out and the place looks so nice.  Strenuous, but certainly worth it.
I had gotten a big bag of mushrooms at Produce Junction and stir-fried them up with onions, put some on what was left of my linguine with shrimp and broccoli and enjoyed it for dinner.
Lots of errands to run in Manahawkin today, plus wash to do.  I like to be busy, so I'm looking forward to all that.  Tomorrow I go, with Susan and Barb, on the van tour to "Workers In The Pines." 

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Weight: home down a pound to 124.4; T.O.P.S., down .03 to 125.2, so okay. The meeting was the usual: therapy session and general chat for mo...