Monday, November 26, 2012


Betty stayed over, then left early, but not before we made a breakfast date for Wednesday after I get my dex scan (or whatever it is--routine bone density test).
Went north to say goodbye to the Pennsy gang, arriving about noon.  N.'s parents were there, as they had had J. and R. overnight; we had a nice visit.  Left about 3:00 as the six sweeties were still preparing to go.
Had a message from Pat L., who asked if she could submit something for The Breeze--sure, but it'll have to hold until the January issue, as December's deadline is long past.  I offered to pick it up, which I did and she asked me to lunch on Thursday.  I accepted with pleasure, of course, holding to my iron rule:  Never turn down an invitation.
Ellen Skyped and, as we do virtually every Sunday, I'm happy to say, we had a nice chat.  Can't wait to see her next month.
Three of my fellow thespians in Players & Playwrights  are coming to my place this evening to rehearse my play, Tootie Looks At Real Estate, plus another that Aline is in.  Still don't know who will play Tom Tricky in mine; hope director John will do it.
WIDER:  The mind reels:
What if we read a piece on "Organized Crime Head And Advisers Codify Murder Procedure."  Would we be shocked?  Not anymore, I guess.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...