Monday, November 19, 2012

Refrig And Opera

Put on my Suzy Homemaker apron and cleaned the refrig.  I turn things over often, so didn't have any throwaways, but it was hard to get the shelves and drawers put in the right levels.  I do appreciate the fact that he appliance is rather shallow, so things don't get lost in the back and grow penicillin (ugh!).
Went to the clubhouse for opera after lunch.  It was Falstaff and so enjoyable.  I haven't seen many comedic operas and this funny--ribald, too.  It was a Covent Garden (London) production and the sets--minimalist and modern--and costumes--exaggerated and full of brilliant color--just blew me away.  Music was good, too.
Talked to Ellen, always a high point of Sunday.  Other than the above, I indulged in my new craze of hidden object games.  I just finished "The Palm of Zoraster" and am trying out others.  You can play Big Fish games free for an hour before you have to order and and pay for them.  I have about ten now and am trying others out.  Love the graphics and the story lines, all of which are mysteries, aside from a cartoony one I got early on.

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