Thursday, November 29, 2012

Busy Day With Bone Scan

(See the entry below for my additional dreadful experience yesterday.)
Annoyed with myself for forgetting I wasn't to take calcium for 24 hours before my bone scan, I went to Atlantic Medical Imaging anyway.  Explained and apologized, and they were very understanding; made another appointment for 3:30 that day.  I was given papers to fill out and took them with me.
Got to Northfield Diner early, of course, and filled out the papers while I waited for Betty and Mary H.  The sun was shining too strongly at the booth where I had been seated, so we switched to another.  Had a good breakfast (oatmeal for me) and good talk, then because I had to come back later in the day, we all went in Betty's car to her place, where we admired her new closet setup.  After, we stopped at Mary's, then Betty and I sent to Shore Diner for lunch.  She dropped me back at my car, we said goodbye, and I went to Produce Junction.
I had intended to get wreaths for Pat's and Jay's graves, but realized I didn't have the wreath holder with me.  Decided there was plenty of time to "do" the cemetery, so just got a Christmas cactus plant for Pat L. (having lunch at her house today) and some veggies.
Back at the imaging place, I was chagrined to realize I had left my papers, --including the prescription--at the Northfield Diner, after switching booths.  Damn.  Was told I also needed a "tracking number," required by the Horizon Medicare Blue, the black-hearted bastards.  However, I was given a number to call, got the number, and my doctor's office faxed the RX in, I had the test, and no prob after that.
EXCEPT--see below. 

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