Saturday, January 04, 2025


 Weight: I was up 2.2 at home to 130.8 and up 2.7 at T.O.P.S. to 131.3--AAGH! That means I'm out of my comfort zone of 125 to 130 and not by just a few ounces. However, I have a plan, which I instituted today; if I stick to it, I'll elaborate on it another day. 

I was disturbed to be told that my friend, Lora, also in T.O.P.S. had an accident a few days ago. She was starting off to her newly-built house in Arizona, where her husband already is, when her car actually flipped. I don't know all the circumstances, but she was taken to the hospital and, incredibly, had only a bruised leg. I contacted her my concern and we went back and forth. She flies to Arizona tomorrow. 

As for yesterday, I didn't get home from T.O.P.S. until almost 10:30 and didn't finish breakfast until after 11:00. At that point, I decided to go to Target and CVS to follow up respectively on my "reward" of $11:08 (which expired yesterday) and my OTC health insurance benefit of $150.00 every three months. At Target, I just got grapefruit and diet Coke, but it was a big hassle trying to get the amount taken off. I talked to several different clerks, department managers, and others; finally asked to see the store manager. She said I had to go to the Target app on my phone and so on and I just got harried. However, she was very nice--they all were courteous--and finally, as neither one of us were able to do it, gave me a gift card for ten bucks. Okay, I was fine with that, but shop often at Target and will follow through on using the app.

Went across the street to another shop I like. Thought I'd just look around, but saw neat slacks and a top I liked. They were both on sale and so cheap, I bought them without trying them on. From there, I went to CVS and replenished my full supply of vitamins. The SCAN benefit meant I paid not one cent for them and I have plenty left on the card (it's a debit card, but they pay it). 

Home at 4:00 and I finally had lunch. Just had salad and one piece of bread. That was good as I'm riting this part of the blog now at 5:30 on Friday and won't want dinner until 7:00 or so. That should keep me from indulging at night. 

Later, I did two color loads of wash before dinner.  I have plenty of clothes, but for some reason, I like to have most washed, folded, and put away before the hamper is very full. 

Yoicks, when I got up at 6:30, the temperature was 46 degrees! What is this, Antarctica?

Friday, January 03, 2025


Called Muckie in the morning and we had one of our hour-long talks. How much I like and admire her and how sorry I am of her illness. She seems to feel pretty well--but not completely; said she's feeling more tired lately. However, she was thrilled at the Lucy Christmas card I sent; said her son actually has a number of keepsakes from "her." Of course, we talked about Betty, as ever, and I described Ellen/s and my visit to her the day after her birthday. 

El came at 1:00 and off we went to The Lazy Dog for lunch. I'm afraid I was short with the young hostess, who seemed indifferent and even snide. El mentioned that and I'm sorry I reacted that way. I guess I'm so used to the friendly, courteous, and "up" young servers at Stone Fire Grille, I get impatient if they're not. Anyway, I'm going to practice more patience. 

I had a delicious platter of fish and chips, much better than I've had in other restaurants. After a leisurely meal, we went to WinCo and both stocked up on essentials and other items. It was almost 4:00 before we got home and Ellen went to work trying to hook up my new DVD player. However, it just wasn't happening and I think I'll take the damn thing back.

I'm still struggling with getting into this blog--that is, being able to add to it, but finally did. The problem is, I then forget how I did it. I don't want to add the address here, for obvious reasons, but will send it to my email.

Back to T.O.P.S. today and I'm expecting, I'm afraid, a big gain. Okay, I have a plan and see if it works.

Thursday, January 02, 2025


I'm finding it harder and harder to understand the problem with this blog. I spent at least an hour yesterday trying to be able to make an entry, with no luck. I even "chatted" with an expert on some site, which led to nothing and seems to be a scam, as I looked on my bank account site and they charged me $55.00! It was still "processing,"  so I couldn't refuse it, but will now. As for the blog address, I sent it to myself in email.

Anyway, as for the first day of 2025, it was so-so. El and I were going to go to lunch and so on, but unfortunately, she came down with something--tummy--and called to tell me. She had had friends over for NY eve, and seems to have eaten something that didn't agree with her. We'll go today if she's well enough.  

Lorraine had called me at 7:00 am, as she often does. Wished me a happy new year and chatted. After El called, I decided to eat out in the middle again and called Lorraine back to see if she wanted to join me. She did and we had a reasonably nice time chatting in the sunshine.

After, I was on the mission about my blog until almost 5:00 and, finally, getting in, will try to find the way again--so frustrating. Later: I did, but who knows for how long.

Other than the above, I did very little except play games on the laptop. I'm hoping Ellen will feel better today and we'll do our thing.

Wednesday, January 01, 2025


Yoicks, what a day! The last day of 2024 started off calmly enough: I continued cleaning up some things, i.e., sending my darling little grandson an Amazon gift card for his January 7 birthday. No, this isn't the eleven-year old in Tokyo, it's the will-be-forty-three in Jersey. Anyway, after I sent it, for some reason, the screen I always bring up first went away and I couldn't get into this blog at all. 

One of my problems is I don't know all the common terms for Internet things. The screen that changed is not the pretty picture ones, but the one that had the entrance (or something) to my email, bank account, Facebook, and several other sites I use daily. Now I'm finally in Mimi's Musings, but I just don't quite remember how I got in, except it was through my old email, All right, I'll keep working on it.

Again, I took my lunch and my book out to the middle and enjoyed the sunshine and quiet while I ate. Later, Jose came to look at my kitchen sink faucet. I had called the office to say the water was running out very thinly. Jose fixed it quickly--it seems the filter head had gotten somewhat clogged, due to the iron in the water.

I'm proud of myself because I actually took down and put away all the Christmas decorations. I'm ready to move on into the new year--good thing, because I ain't getting a choice!

Looking forward to lunch and shopping with Ellen today. 


 Weight: I was up 2.2 at home to 130.8 and up 2.7 at T.O.P.S. to 131.3-- AAGH! That means I'm out of my comfort zone of 125 to 130 and n...