Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Last Full Day In Jersey

Walked 3.2 miles in the morning in blustery weather, but I had several layers on and it was sunny, so not uncomfortable. Went to CVS, then had a delicious Caesar salad dinner, with butternut squash on the side. Watched an indy movie called The Last Photograph. It was pretty insipid, but not too bad and I actually stayed for the end. (The star and director, Danny Huston, looks remarkably like our former next-door neighbor in Ewing, Morris S.) 

I leave this afternoon, taking off from Philly at 4:30.  I guess it goes without saying I had a wonderful time. Will I miss Jersey? Some things, especially family, but not the bone-chilling cold, that's a cinch. 

Speaking of cold, here I am on the Lambertville/New Hope, so Jersey/Pennsy bridge the other day. I'm sure nobody else ever thought about taking a picture like this--HA!

Monday, November 29, 2021


Nice day--my second to last one here. Walked 3.2 in the morning. Later, just kind of vegetated and sat reading one of the books I acquired from a wayside giver. What does that mean? I guess I forgot to record that on Sunday, I had stopped to see some chairs that were being given away in front of a nice house in New Egypt. I chatted with the woman who lived there and she insisted I take some books: "my favorites!" They're co-written by Preston and Child and I'll keep three or four. I'm now reading their Cemetery Dance, which I liked at the beginning (murder of a NYTimes reporter), but now it's getting into voodoo, which I find boring. 

Left for Bordentown at 4:00 or so. Had a good ham dinner and lots of good talk and laughs. Back around 7:00, bed at 9:00 and--happy day--I slept well.

 Note to self: Enrolled in automatic payment to Cricket ($30 mo. two days before end of months) via Mastercard ending in  1311.

Sunday, November 28, 2021


Took off for Lambertville shortly after lunch.  After a side trip to Ewing where I took a pic of our old house on Lower Ferry, we arrived about 1:00. Took the river walk first--out two miles, then two back. 

What an excellent place to walk! It's a broad (cinder or something) path bounded on one side by the  Delaware River and the other by the canal which was in use before the Revolutionary War. It's lined with towering trees, but you can still see and hear the rushing waters. 

That's not to say it was comfy. Although the sun shone and the sky was a heavenly blue, it was cold. Very cold. And windy. Cold and windy. However, I had three layers on top and four on the bottom, plus a close-fitting wool hat, warm scarf, and two pair of gloves. 

After Lambertville it was over the bridge to New Hope. Walked a bit around town, but it was filled with tourists perusing the not particularly attractive gift shops, so after a mile or so, it was back over to God's country. Ate lunch in the car, then drove to Trader Joe's in Princeton after a very enjoyable excursion.

Saturday, November 27, 2021

The Day After...*

Celebrants had lucked out with Thanksgiving: though fairly chilly, it was wonderfully full of blue skies and sunshine. Yesterday, though, it got cold and windy--not pleasant at all.  Went to the supermarket after breakfast, then spent the rest of the day indoors. Called Denise at the County Clerk's office and straightened out the minor dilemma re the deed to my house.  

Because I'm still mulling over whether to sell that house or not, I spent time looking up sales in Sunrise Bay. There are still only two and they seemed well-priced (for my purposes, that is, not from a buyer point of view).  Well, I won't decide whether to sell or not until my tenants are about to leave in the summer.

Finished reading Johnathan Keller's Killer, which I found, as I do most of his, easy to read and easy to forget.  

*Okay, that's enough of "The Day (whatever )" nonsense.

Friday, November 26, 2021

The Day Of...

Went to Smithville early on, not the touristy one in Atlantic County, but in Burlington. I had never been here before and was intrigued; I hope to take the tour sometime. If I'm not mistaken, it was some kind of foundry. A number of interesting old buildings remain, plus employees' homes and a lovely old mansion and garden.  

A wonderful Thanksgiving dinner served at 3:00 with the turkey about the most tender and flavorful I ever had. Brussel sprouts, butternut squash, corn casserole, cranberry relish, white and sweet potatoes, and especially stuffing, just delicious. Pies included pumpkin, pecan, and berry, plus a big tub of fresh (and of course, whipped real heavy cream--only savages would serve the bought kind on Thanksgiving). Appetizers were served before and coffee after, as well as a choice of (soft) cider, flavored Selzer water, Coke, beer, and red and white wine. 

Anyway, yummy,  yummy, and much fun!  😄 

Thursday, November 25, 2021

The Day Before...

Did some dusting and polishing early on, then went for a morning walk (3.2). It was really cold, but at least not terribly windy, so bearable. 

I tried to log on to the CVS OTC benefit  site for Blue Shield and wasn't able to get in. Called and was told they were "having problems" with sign-ins. Damn, this has happened before and it's annoying. Will try dealing with it after I get home. Same with getting refunded my over-payments to American Airlines for baggage and seat selection for the two cancelled flights. 

Amazon Japan is a lot more responsive than CVS: I easily ordered a Christmas gift (the game we played the other day, Qwirkle) for son, DIL, and grandson. Since they live in Tokyo and it comes from there, the bonus is that shipping is free.*

Lots more prep going on for Turkey Day (today!), then went to Heritage Restaurant, the one I had taken Dennis and Leslie to. I wasn't terribly hungry, so just had a bowl of chili--not spicy and very good--that came with wonderful chips. I had never had that kind before and they were delicious; I took some home and actually want to call the place to see where to get them. Took a shower after and got ready for today.

* For me, it's idiocy to pay Amazon $12.99 a month for shipping; that's $155.88 a year and what I order doesn't total that much. I know lots do order that and more (Ellen for one), but others are agreeing to get ripped off.  

Wednesday, November 24, 2021


Busy and enjoyable day. I spent the earlier part on a few phone financial chores--boring, so I won't elaborate. Left for Bordentown about 3:00 and had a delicious dinner. Niece Carolyn called during the board game afterwards, and we had a nice chat. Betty was there and talked a bit on speaker, but without much sense, of course. Villa Altmar, where Betty lives, will have a traditional Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow, so that's good. What's even better is that Carolyn, family, and her brother, Steve and his family, will all go up to Big Bear, for the holiday. Sounds like a great idea!  Got back to Whiting after 8:00 and watched some YouTube on the T.V. then turned in and slept soundly. 

Tuesday, November 23, 2021


Here and there in Toms River and elsewhere. Walked a bit more than three miles late in the afternoon. Watched part of the movie Passing before conking out and going to bed. 

Monday, November 22, 2021

Sunday And Pics Of Florida

Went to Slop 'n' Slop--maybe it should be named that--to get a few items. It's too long and involved to go into, but I dealt with a cashier and a woman at the desk, both of whom were testy and short (and I don't mean in stature). Why in the HELL these establishments don't institute some customer training is beyond me. However, I picked up tangerines and chips, both of which they finally discounted, then stopped at the liquor store for wine.   

Left after lunch for Hainesport (NJ), twenty or so from Bordentown, and enjoyed watching several games. It was chilly, but I was double-wrapped, plus had brought a blanket, and there was little wind, so I was comfortable. After, had fun at dinner in Bordentown.

At long last, I got recent pictures transferred from phone to here. Here are three from last week in Florida:

Niece Nancy, Larry, Joan, Old Lady, and Jim after the pizza restaurant on the beach.
Jim, Elaine, and Jim with Big Woman at Riverwalk.
With my dear sister-in-law, Helen, fading away from this life, both physically and mentally. But that smile--it lights up the room.

Sunday, November 21, 2021


In the morning, temp was 31 degrees--I'm back in Jersey, all right--but I double-dressed and walked 3.2. After, looked for a white top to go with the jeans I bought at Kohl's the other day.  Hadn't found anything at Kohl's, ditto Target, so in desperation, went to Wal-Mart--bingo!  Got a bottom-down shirt which isn't  exactly see-through, but close, so I added a white tank top to go under. 

Had just veggies for lunch, then took off for Rancocas. While there, I called daughter, Ellen to chat, then my blogger buddy, Pat R. Happily, she came through her second knee surgery okay: still recovering, but stronger day by day. Left about 7:30.

Note: I hope to learn how to transfer pictures from my phone to the laptop today, so will post pictures of Florida and Jersey soon.


Saturday, November 20, 2021


 Into Atlantic City Airport at 9:30. Later, walked a bit, but I was very tired, having been unable to sleep well my last night at Larry's (plane anxiety, no doubt). I didn't want to nap because I was afraid I'd be unable to sleep at night. Went to Kohl's and got jeans.

I just got up (6:00) and happily, slept well last night. Also, a happy surprise: Before my shower last night, I weighed myself and was 126.6. That's a pound or more down, so I guess the roving life agrees with me.

Note: I think I'm resuming my usual daily entries with this one, which I'm posting on Saturday morning. The ones in Florida were posted late.

Back To Jersey

 I simply had no time in Florida to write much on the blog. Our fun activities, though, included the River Walk niece Elaine took us (Joan and Jim Reed, my older sister's daughter, and SIL) on Thursday and on the day before, niece Nancy, Larry, the Reeds, and I went to a restaurant on the beach for pizza. 

Larry and Helen have five daughters and three sons; three of the girls (Elaine, Nancy, and Karen) live within a short walk of the parents and they were over every day I was there. What a great bunch--they're full of enthusiasm, laughter, and fun, but that doesn't mean, of course, that they haven't had some setbacks and disappointments in life. All three are R.N.s, still working.

Anyway, Larry drove me to the Fort Lauderdale Airport for my 7:03 am (why in the world did I pick that time?) and I got to A.C., as scheduled, at 9:30. The flight was horribly turbulent and absolutely terrifying. During the (bumpy) decent, the guy across the aisle held my hand. He then introduced me to his husband (they're both named Dave) and it occurred to me how pleasant and natural it was to say hello to a same-gender couple. I survived the flight, but I'll be damned if I'll get on the five-hour one back to California without a dose of Ativan. Here are some pics from Florida: Jim and Joan flanking Elaine and me at Riverwalk:


When I can figure out how to get them off my phone, I'll post more. 

Wednesday, The 17th? Not Sure!

 Continuing to have a great time in Florida. I slept fairly late--until 7:30 am--and got up to good, strong coffee. No sign of Larry until later, but that was fine. He got up and we chatted at the table, then I had an English muffin and blueberries for breakfast.

Before long, niece Joan and her husband, Jim, came and we sat and chatted for a bit. We then picked up one of the daughters, Terry, and took off for a restaurant on the beach. Had pizza, beer, and salad, and lots of good talk. 

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

A bit of Tuesday and Florida

I'm in the hot place! Not hell, of course, but beautiful Cooper City, Florida. It's now 11:00 am and I just got on the laptop now. After I set it up, it demanded a "security key"--a password, that is--and Larry and I had some problem getting it to accept what was on the router. Zipped over to his daughter's house and got grandson, Anthony, a senior in high school, to come over and remedy the situation. He did, and here I am.

Spent Tuesday morning getting ready for my side trip, then drove to AC Airport. The trip to Ft. Lauderdale was horrendous, of course, but it was at least civilized, so I could get a glass of wine. Larry and two of his daughters, Elaine and Nancy, picked me up and we drove the twenty minutes to his home. I immediately went in to see Helen, who is a shadow of the plump, vibrant, wonderfully cheery person she used to be.

The house is large, nicely laid out, and has beautiful landscaping around it. Larry drove me around to the park nearby--lovely--and I can see why they like it here. Elaine and her family live less than a mile away, as do Nancy and the third daughter, Karen. Jeanne and hubby, Dr. Vic, live in Jacksonville and the two sons elsewhere in Florida. 

Tuesday, November 16, 2021


My old neighbors and dear friends, Leslie and Dennis R., got here, as promised at 11:30 and picked me up. I took them to Heritage Restaurant nearby and we settled in to eat, talk, laugh, cry, and talk some more.

Les and Dennis suffered a tragedy twenty years ago when their oldest son, Anthony, suddenly died of a heart attack, with no warning. He was thirty, married, and had a fifteen-month-old daughter. The couple were devastated, of course, and it was very hard for Leslie, in particular. They  have two other sons and several grandchildren. Both are now 75, although they don't look it. I feel a kinship with Leslie in some fundamental way, in light of the sad decline of my dear twin.

The R.s have a condo in Saratoga, Florida, as well as their house in Sunrise Bay, a few doors down from mine. They plan to go south on December first and stay until April. In truth, I would like to have an arrangement like that myself, but don't see how that could work out. I certainly don't want to move back yearly to Little Egg.

Anyway, Les and Dennis came in to chat after lunch and we sat and talked, reminiscing especially, about neighbors now gone: Judy, Marge, the Gibneys, and--the one that especially shocked me--Anne Mary Haynes. She had been their next-door neighbor, a rather eccentric spinster who had taught math for years. Like my friend, Jim, she had been only child, never married, and had virtually no relatives. She was a true hypochondriac, so I never expected her to die--sigh

We said goodbye with smiles and hugs, vowing to keep in touch, and off they went. Darn, we all forgot to take pictures, but I hope to get back there again, if I can arrange it.  

Walked 3.6 later in the afternoon and wow, that was enough for me. It was cold, windy, and just generally the weather I'm glad I escaped. 

A few hours from now: FLORIDA!


Monday, November 15, 2021


Walked in the morning a bit more than three. After lunch, went to Bordentown, doing this and that. Took a short walk there, too, had dinner, then back to the frozen north.

For the first time here, I had trouble sleeping last night. Not sure why, unless it was because I'm nervous about my flight to Florida tomorrow. Maybe I'll nap today.

Sunday, November 14, 2021


Quite a day yesterday. Walked 3.6 in the morning and, after a quick lunch, took off for Rancocas, where I was until after 6:00. Stopped at a diner--quintessentially Jersey--for dinner. I had stuffed peppers, which came with salad, mashed potatoes, and rice pudding. Portions were huge and I took home half.

Slept well, as I always have here. I'm not sure why that is, but hope it continues when I get back to Ventura.

Saturday, November 13, 2021


Good grief, I've gained more than four pounds! According to the scale here, I'm up to 130.2. Of course, I can always equivocate by figuring it's not my home scale and it just can't be my nightly glass of wine and pretzels, can it?  Hmm...I'll have to deal with this.  

Speaking of dealing, I dealt with the Ocean County Clerk's Office re the trust I'm trying to set up. It took ages and confused the hell out of me, but I think it's okay. After, went to a notary to have it certified. 

Walked in between raindrops in the morning, then did the same after lunch; I think totaled about four. Called Leslie and we switched their visit to Monday. That's okay--I'll still have time to pack for Florida, where I'm headed Tuesday. The plane (😰) to Fort Lauderdale doesn't leave Philly until 5:59 pm.


I found a site for Ventnor historic photos and want to add it here, so I can refer to it later:


Also want to save this, an account of the death of Harry Singley's Dad: 


Friday, November 12, 2021

The Place That Will Always Be Home

Ventnor. Got there about 10:00 am and followed, more or less, my life line: First, the apartment on  Newport Avenue, a ground-floor apartment I lived in until I was three (but was it 20 or 22 North?); the big house on Rosborough Avenue; and Aunt Maggie's and Uncle John's house on Monmouth. Took pictures of all, then turned to St. James.

Oh, sure, now it's called "Trinity Parish," being lumped in with others on Absecon Island, but it'll always be St. James to me. I was reconciled--finally--to having the rectory gone and to an extent, had even accepted the loss of the school. But the convent? That was the last auxiliary building and now there are several monstrosities--million dollar houses--in its place. What a shock; even though I knew it had happened, to see the change was distressing. I did have my picture taken at Monseigneur Moran's grave (the only one on Absecon Island, which my late husband helped to dig) and in front of the statue of the Blessed Virgin.  

Walked 3.3 miles on the boardwalk and Atlantic Avenue and took pictures of  what used to be the Ventnor City National Bank. That was the location of my first full-time job after high school and before I got married. There are two buildings, one now condos and the other housing a real estate agency.  

Aside from all that, I had packed a lunch and ate it in the small park in front of the library. Years ago, when it was being built, I had paid to have Pat's and my names on a brick, which was with other in the park. I've seen it before and could swear it was correctly spelled, but what I saw yesterday was "Pat and Rosemary Byrne Molly." What? Now I wonder if the original had been damaged in some way--I noticed the wording on this one was not very clear--and they replaced it. I may or may not pursue this.

I intended to put pictures here, but my camera/laptop didn't cooperate. Will try to do so today.  

Thursday, November 11, 2021

Wednesday And Roman Candles

 In the morning, it was off to Veterans Park in Hamilton Township and I enjoyed watching several games. Also took a walk around the park. After lunch, I went to Harry Wright Lake and did a good walk totaling 3.5 miles. Invigorating. 

I called my friend, Leslie, to see if she could meet for lunch tomorrow if I took the Ocean Ride van down to Little Egg. She wasn't available then, but suggested she and Dennis drive up here and pick me up on Saturday. Great and I'm looking forward to seeing them.

I still want to take the Ocean Ride to Little Egg on Friday, though. I know it goes to Mystic Shores and maybe I'll again try to get in touch with Aline to see if we could meet there. 

So I'm having a great time and coincidentally, I saw the following recently, which rang a bell:

Reminds me of another favorite, from Dylan Thomas: "Do not go gentle into that good night/Rage, rage against the dying of the light." I'm sure not a fabulous yellow roman candle--I sputter out a lot--but I keep trying for the burn.   

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

My Friends, My House, My Day

Spent the morning on mundane things, then took off for Little Egg Harbor for the 11:00 appointment with Kim, the realtor. She's very animated and certainly knows her business. Stayed for about 45 minutes talking over the rent/sell situation, which seems sunshiny for me (very few rentals in the whole township and same for sales in Sunrise Bay). 

I then went to Susan and Walter Geldart's house (across the street from mine) and we had hugs all around. They took me to Dynasty Diner and we had such an enjoyable lunch--much talk, laughter, and reminiscing, as well as catching up on the doings of a lot of my old neighbors. Many of them, I'm afraid, aren't doing much because they're dead. 

Back to Susan's, then she and I went over to the Haggerstone's across the street and had a good time catching up with Ray. As we chatted outside in the sunshine, Leslie and Dennis drove up and how good that was! They jumped out of the car car and we embraced happily, then talked for a time. 

Back to Susan's and I saw Bill Galway (down-the-street neighbor, who's also a contractor and does the biannual upkeep on my house) walking his dog. I went out to greet him and we talked for a bit. I then went over to meet my tenants, Susan and Cliff. 

They're actually pretty nice and we talked congenially. They were frank about their plans: to retire within the next year or so, which is the reason they want a month-to-month lease after the present one ends in February. I agreed to that and they said they'd try to give me two months, rather than one month notice. I was honest about the fact that, if my rent goes up, as it surely will, I would probably raise theirs. I looked around the house, clearly a stopover for them with items here and there ready to be packed and that's okay. Otherwise, it was spotlessly clean. I was a bit startled to see that the master bath had been painted green and the guest bath yellow. Then I remembered I had given permission for my former tenant, Eileen, to have them painted. 

I was surprised when Susan and Cliff said that Bob Szabo, whom I've retained for years to turn the sprinkler system on and off was incompetent (well, he's older than I am and that's pretty damn old). I  mentioned that he had lost his wife, Angela, whom I knew, and they told me he had a new girlfriend and intended to get married!  

I was pleased with the interior of the house, but outside, the landscaping is in poor shape. I wish I had had time to take pictures of it and hope to get back to do so. Later, I'll ask Susan to recommend her gardener to get it shaped up. Other than that, I know the refrigerator may need to be replaced; right now, Cliff has it working with a temporary fix.

It was good to get that settled and, even more, to see my old friends. The only regret I have is that I had wanted to see Aline (who lives in the nearby community of Mystic Shores) and had called and left a message I was in town, but didn't hear back from her. 

More agreeable news: I found out the Ocean Rider actually goes to Little Egg from here. What I hope to do is to contact Leslie and arrange lunch, then take it down there and back.    


Tuesday, November 09, 2021


 Walked 2.5 after breakfast. Called my old friend, daily walking partner, and across-the-street neighbor, Susan G. I invited her and Walter to lunch today, after I meet Kim, the real estate person, at 11:00. She was pleased to hear from me and suggested the Dynasty  Diner in Little Egg, which I've always liked, so it's a date. 

After lunch, I tried to connect with Uber to get a ride, but for all kinds of annoying reasons, didn't get there. So I took yet another walk and got in another 3, which made five for the day and that was fine.

The weather continues wonderfully sunny and pleasantly warm; today, it's supposed to get up to 70.

Monday, November 08, 2021


Had a good time yesterday in Chatham. I hadn't realized it was so far up and, judging by the homes, quite an upscale area. I was there most of the day at sporting events. 

Sunday, November 07, 2021


Walked 4.6 miles on the Seaside Park boardwalk.  It was chilly--in the thirties some of the time--but wonderfully brisk and sunny. Lots of other things went on later, about which I'll elaborate elsewhere.

Saturday, November 06, 2021


 I called Kim W., the real estate agent and confirmed our meeting next Tuesday at 11:00. Also called tenant Susan; I left a message and will try to see her at my house the same day at 10:00. Walked 3.6 miles to Harry Wright Lake and back. The weather's been good, considering I'm back east: thirties in the mornings, but warmer later, with sunshine, which makes my day. Here's a pic from the lake of buzzards showing off.

Also checked out the house on Heiser Avenue where Pat and I first lived after we married. You can't see anything of our tiny, two-room apartment, as it was upstairs and in the back--sort of a tiny, under-the-roof domicile. Yoicks--that was sixty-three years ago.  Here it is: 
It's interesting how different south Jersey is from southern California. The weather is one thing, of course, but the colorful foliage, the absence of palm trees, and the large lawns common to middle-class housing here are notable, too. And it still takes me a few minutes to remember the three-hour time difference--now, is it earlier in Jersey or later? Oh, wait: My phone says 6:41 am and the laptop says 4:34! Something's awry and I can't imagine what, but will pursue this.  

Friday, November 05, 2021


Went to Veteran's Park in Hamilton. Walked, watched a game, and otherwise enjoyed the brisk (upper thirties), but sunny day. I heard from that airline from hell, American, asking me for an evaluation. Boy, did I give it to them and will soon ask for 1.) a refund, which I expect to get, since I paid three times for baggage check and seat selection; and 2.) compensation, which I don't expect to get, but it won't hurt to try.  Slept like a stone last night, I'm happy to say; remembered to take my RLS meds and had a nice glass of wine in the evening. 

Thursday, November 04, 2021


 Out most of the day on Wednesday. Going out now--no time for more. 

Wednesday, November 03, 2021

Made it! Got into Philly at 8 pm after the usual five hours of terror on the plane. Can't continue until later--forgot my mouse.   

Tuesday, November 02, 2021

So Far. So...

...good. I'm typing this at 9:36 am on Monday, November 1. I just called and got confirmation of my flight for tomorrow by phone. I also, of course, printed it out from the web site. Now, I'm HOPING (and would be praying, if I was of that persuasion😁), there'll be no changes.

Saw the video of the show by residents of my blog buddy, Pat R., and thought her performance was really good. I said that in a comment on hers and elaborated in a private email.   

It's now 12:15. I'm waiting for Jim and, in the meantime, called the Airporter to make absolutely sure I'm booked on the 6:30 shuttle today. Talked to a nice guy named Ralph, who will actually be the driver. 

Jim and I had lunch, along with one of our far-ranging discussions. He stayed until almost 4:00, we said goodbye, then I tidied up a few things. Went onto the American Airlines site to try to get a boarding pass, but had no luck. Called, was put on hold, called another number, was put on hold, then said I'd be called back, When I was, a half hour later, I was told the person couldn't get the boarding pass--something wrong with the web site or something. I gave up, but later, I was able to get something with a bar code that I think represents a boarding pass.  I hope the baggage claim receipt, for which I paid three times, will come up and let me check my big suitcase outside.  

Okay, I'm up and it's 4:28 am on Tuesday--awoke before the alarm even rang. No word of cancellation, so here's hoping I'll be in NJ the next time I blog...

Monday, November 01, 2021

Halloween Horror

I got a new reservation for my trip for today, Monday, November 1. That was also cancelled.

I simply don't have the heart to detail my phone, Internet, and in-person frantic activities, but they lasted most of the day. I was in touch--many times and for hours--with the airline, Suzanne, the Airporter, my friend, Lora, who's a travel agent, Ellen, Jim, Nancy, and others. I now have a reservation for tomorrow, Tuesday, but who knows if that will work out?  I'm so disheartened I don't even want to write about it. It's a Halloween Horror story, all right, and I won't rest easy until I set foot in New Jersey.

I was cheered a little by the children who came to the door and continued the old ritual. I hadn't bought candy, but have a lot of change and gave out quarters to all. I had four groups with maybe fifteen kids in all and some parents.   

Suzanne stopped in after her dinner with her fellow sisters (sister sisters). She showed me the costume she wore--sort of a lobster head piece with a pink bathrobe for the body--and commiserated with me about the freakish plane situation. Ellen called and we talked. I called Jim to tell him about the new  development; invited him for lunch today and he accepted.  

I enjoyed seeing and talking to my friend, Pat R., and will look at her video shortly. A few people mentioned I should seek compensation because of  my cancellations; I don't know if I'll get anywhere, but I might--for what it's worth.

Note to myself: I have now paid for checked bags three times ($30 each) and for three different seats (costs have varied). I assume the extra will be refunded.


Suzanne called to say she had been at some affair (church service?) with Lora's brother-in-law, Reuban, and he told her of Seth's de...