Wednesday, September 30, 2020


 We left about 9:00 and drove roughly 200 miles to Needles, California. We went across the Mohave desert, which covers an incredible 4700 acres. It was suggested that I sit in the navigator's position--the front seat next to the driver. (Actually, I was not exactly "nest to," as this is a big vehicle home and there are several feet between the two seats.) Wow, what a wonderful experience that was! I had a panoramic view of vastness of the California landscape and it was spectacular.  

And hey, it was hot, hot, hot. In Needles, it was 107 when we rolled in about 3:00. However, no prob, as the RV has air conditioning and almost as soon as we got there, we went in the pool. Weirdly enough, it was very chilly, so we just sat on the side and talked. 

Had a yummy beef fajitas dinner, then went back to the pool. We then watched Better Call Saul, about which--like Ryan Gosling--I had vaguely heard, but wasn't familiar with. It was so good, I was surprised to hear it was a TV show and not a movie. Just greatly enjoyed it and--happy day--we didn't subject ourselves to anything else on T.V., such as a so-called "debate." Like yours truly, these two  rarely watch it. 

This morning, we take off for Williams, CA, then we're headed for the Grand Canyon.


Tuesday, September 29, 2020

LEAVING DAY! (or day before, maybe)

This may or may not be my last entry for a time. We leave tomorrow--or today, depending on when this is published--that is, Tuesday, September 28.  However, I'm staying over with "them" in Santa Paula tonight, a slight change in the plans. That's so nobody has to pick me up and we can get an early start.  

This morning (As I write, it's 10:35 am on Monday, the 28th and who in the hell could keep track of this blog entry dates crapola, I don't know), I stripped the bed and put the sheets and all other accumulated laundry in to wash and dry. I'll shower later, and what I take off will just have to wait until I get back. I'm also planning to wash the few accumulated used dishes after lunch. I just hate going on a trip and coming back to a messy home. 

I got all my stuff together, packed, and so on. I also put together some food I want to take so it doesn't spoil. Ran the dishwasher and took a shower and washed my hair. It's now 2:17 and shortly, I'll assemble the electronic family--laptop and its various components--that I can't seem to live without.

Okay, now it actually is Tuesday, 6:16 am. We met Ellen and Greg at SeaFresh last night and, of course, had a fine time. I wasn't very hungry, so as I often do, ordered two appetizers (braised mushrooms and linguini) and Modelo, a good Mexican beer.  Speaking of good, being with my girls and their guys was double-plus good.

After a leisurely meal, we said goodbye and off we went to Santa Paula. I was oriented to this and that in this little cottage on wheels, then after chatting for a bit, we turned in. I'm one the pull-out sofa and was amazed that I slept well.

Today, we take off for Needles, California, which has the distinction of being one of the hottest places on the planet. It has recorded temperatures of 126 degrees and right now, at 6:27 am in September, it's already 80. We'll be at an RV park, but I was told it have a pool, so what's not to like? 

Monday, September 28, 2020


 I still can't get my pictures to send from text, but will keep trying.

Otherwise, it was a wonderful day. The two of us got together about 1:00, then drove to town and parked. We walked the Promenade for about two miles, looping around to Main Street. There were lots and lots of people on the beach, on the Promenade, in the water, and on Main. We went into four shops and I got two DVDs. We then walked back to the Promenade, out onto the pier, then back to the car. I believe we covered about five miles total, a good walk.

Went back to Santa Paula, where a pork roast dinner was cooking. After chatting a bit and a glass of Merlot, we ate, talked more, then I was driven home. 

It was decided I'd be with them in the RV, starting tonight, so we can get an early start in the morning. 

Sunday, September 27, 2020


What a fun day! I was picked up, as scheduled, at 10:30 and off we went to Carolyn and Dana's in Santa Barbara. Their 13-year-old, Claire, Betty, Steve and Dex were already there. Robyn wasn't: She's an accomplished costumer and seems to specialize in designing and making puppet clothes. She now, for complicated--or maybe not-so--reasons, has a lot of work, so was home in West Hollywood making teeny costumes and, I trust, other-than-teeny piles of dough.    

We were in the backyard almost all the time, of course--open air and all that--but it's a wonderfully attractive one and was so enjoyable. Perfect weather, sunny and in the seventies, and we were under a grapevine-draped overhead trellis. 

AAGH! Here it is, 7:24 am on Sunday and I've been trying for almost an hour to send the pics Carolyn took to my gmail, so I can add two or three here. Damn, I can't do it! When I take them, I can "send" to my email, save in "pictures," then share. Carolyn took some good ones and sent to me and others, but for some reason, I can't share--it just says "download" and something else. I downloaded, but can't send from there, either! 

I'll keep trying and if I can, will add them tomorrow.

Anyway, we had a great time and the food was just simple and good. Dana made pulled pork sandwiches, others brought salad, Claire made cookies for dessert, and there was red and white wine. Best was being with my daughters and extended family. It was wonderful--great conversation and the best of companies. We got there about 4:00 and stayed for almost four hours. 

Saturday, September 26, 2020

Sharon, Salmon, And Good Company

Sharon called me again before T.O.P.S. to say she was still suffering from a variety of ailments and wouldn't be there. I honestly fear she might actually expire one days soon; I hope not. 

I took to the gathering six or seven of the limes from the community tree and they were pleased to get them. This time, there were only four besides me, though. I knew Lennie was in Idaho and Sharon was unwell, but that's still a small group.  Lora and Susan  used to come, along with others, so what happened to them, I don't know. Anyway, I weighed 129 at home and 129.4 on the T.O.P.S. scale, so an insignificant gain of about .04--no biggie.

Bobbi stayed chatting while I waited out front for the Access Van. It came and took me to Jessica Nails fearfully early. However, they took me early, too, which is good in a way, but I was out of there a half hour before pickup of 11:00 and, wouldn't you know, the van was about fifteen late after that. However, I got home okay and now my tooties are all ready for the Grand Canyon.

I went over to Von's after lunch to pick up some things for company dinner. I got seasoned, frozen salmon, which I've had before and is so good and easy to prepare; just line a pan foil and pop them in a 400 degree oven for twenty minutes or so. Also bought mashed potatoes already made up, which I never had before. These just went in the microwave. Picked up a large cauliflower, too, and had the leftover roasted carrots. Along with the nice fresh wedges of lime, it made a pretty good meal. 

They came about 5:30 and stayed for two hours. What a treat! Not only did I get to see two people for whom I care so much, but I was entertaining again--in a minor way, but still. They'll pick me up today at 10:30 and we'll meet Ellen and Greg at The Hip Vegan for brunch, then go to Carolyn's about 4:00. 


Friday, September 25, 2020


Figuring I wouldn't get into town yesterday, I walked to the Market and back, putting in three miles and I'm okay with that. Bought two pounds of carrots, so after scrubbing and trimming them, I put them in the oven with olive oil and seasonings. Had some for dinner, with the last of my beans and mushrooms. Jessica Nails is right next door and I noticed they were open. Immediately went in and made an appointment for a pedicure for 10 this morning. I called the Access Van to take me there and back. Why? Because I'll wear sandals, so as not to smear the new polish, and I can't walk that far in them. 

Brother, Larry, from Miami called and we talked for an incredible hour and a half. He told me Helen had fallen and broken (actually cracked) her pelvis. It seems nothing can be done for that except bed rest and, in recent years, Helen has spent a lot of time in bed, anyway. They had had a king-sized, but Larry got her a hospital bed and himself a single. (He got a kick out of it when I said the must put a crimp in his love life--he's 88, Helen 85.)

Larry wants me to go to his granddaughter's wedding in Jacksonville in November and I'm leaning that way. He said he won't go unless I do--I assume he isn't serious. I really plan to go, if at all possible.

Dr. Jennings office person called to say my ultra-sound revealed no problems. I still haven't heard back from the dermatologist's office about the biopsy. I called once again and was on hold so long, I hung up. It's now been two weeks and two days since I was there.   

I did this and that on the laptop, then showered and washed my hair, preparing for hairdresser, Cindy. She got here a few minutes late, but it really wasn't her fault. I tell most visitors to park at the front entrance, then call me and I'll come out and bring them to my apartment. However, she knocked on my door--I'm surprised she found it on her own--and said she had called several times, but thinks she had a wrong number for me. She looked it up and certainly did--it didn't even have the same area code. Anyway, she trimmed my hair and it looks okay. I kind of liked it better the way before, but it'll grow again.

I called the Access Van and they'll pick me up and take me home from Jessica Nails.

Went over to Von's for grapes after Cindy left and on the way back, I noticed how many big limes were on the tree at one of the grassy areas. I know residents are allowed to take them (the tree was transplanted from the patio of somebody who moved away) and I went back and got my "grabber." Harvested about ten and will take some to the T.O.P.S. gathering this morning and some to Carolyn's on Saturday.

Betty called and said she had gone to a doctor who asked her to draw pictures, then said she had Alzheimer's. I was taken aback that she was told that, but it didn't seem to particularly alarm her. I made some comment about "lots of people have memory problems." 

I again had trouble sleeping last night. My ankle itched a lot and I'm thinking of calling Dr. J. to see if I should continue talking the antibiotic, although the prescribed week is over tomorrow.


Thursday, September 24, 2020

Ultra-Sound, Protestants, And Our Community

I left at 9:00 for my 11:00 o'clock ultra sound appointment. If I had been driving, it would have taken--oh, about twenty minutes, but when you're walking/busing, it is, of course, a lot longer of a trip. Walked to Telephone Road and took the 11 to Walnut, then walked the rest of the way to Rolling Oaks Radiology. 

I was early, but didn't wait long to be taken in. I had never had ultra-sound--except maybe when I was pregnant, or did they have them fifty and more years ago?--and vaguely thought it was like an x-ray: You stand in front of a screen and they click a picture or something.

No. It entailed me disrobing on the top left, the tech smearing on a gel, then hearing a somewhat unsettling swoosh, swoosh, swoosh, presumably my blood rushing through my veins.  It didn't hurt, though, and took only twenty minutes or so. As I had been asked to do, I called Dr. Jennings' office to report that I had had the ultra-sound, although they'll certainly send the results there.

Gail was waiting outside in her car. When she got in, she suggested we go to the harbor, instead of The Promenade in town. Actually, that suited me better, as I can get to the former on my own. 

We went and enjoyed a mile or so walk up to the museum. It's closed, of course, but has a nice outdoor kind of circular sitting area, where we had our lunch. I had brought a sandwich and, because I didn't want to take a heavy can of beer, a nice little bottle of cabernet. I'm getting to like red wine, as well as white, and it seemed to go better with my sandwich.

We enjoyed our talk which, as adults often do, delved into topics we probably wouldn't have discussed in our younger years. I was interested to hear Gail's father was Unitarian, but her mother sent her to Presbyterian Sunday School. (I'm always bemused by Protestants and their wishy-washy white bread beliefs. Gail isn't religious now, incidentally.) Anyway, it was good talk.

We ran into Carolyn S. and her husband, Robert, whom I used to see in Kimball when we walked there every day. They both had masks on; this is out in the open air, very few strollers, and they're married and live together. Go figure. After a very enjoyable outing, Gail took me home, then I changed (it was much warmer than it had been) and thought I'd bus to Oxnard, as it was only 2:30. 

As I was walking toward the gate, I saw a neighbor to whom Suzanne had introduced me a while ago. I liked her persona: friendly enough, but brisk and clearly intelligent and I wanted to get to know her better. Yesterday, she was outside and we exchanged names and chatted for a few. Her name is Vickie and her apartment mate's is Mary. (They may or may not be a couple.) I had understood Mary has health problems and when I asked Vickie, she replied with the "good days, bad days" answer. I hope to get to know her better.

I got the 6 bus, but as I stepped up to the higher seats, I slipped and scraped my right shin. Damn, I'll getting more scrapes and cuts than I ever did before! The driver was very concerned and asked if I wanted medical assistance. When I said no, asked me to fill out a little card explaining what happened. I did, and we rode on, but I got off at Telephone and decided just to ride to the transit center, where I got the 10 home.

I stopped at the office to get the two extra keys I had requested for Ellen and Suzanne and gave one to Suzanne. (She left at 5:00 am today for her niece's wedding in Idaho.) When I opened my sliding door to the patio, it stuck halfway and I saw a screw was popped partly  up. Called the office and Scott came to fix it. While he was here, we had a nice conversation. He's a sweet-natured young man, 22, and was born in Guam, which I think is so interesting. I believe my son, Mike, and his family, have been there. Scott had just been at his brother's wedding in Washington State and the day after the affair, fire swept the outdoor venue.

Coming back from getting the mail (sparse and uninteresting, as usual), I saw Andy, my upstairs neighbor, coming back from taking Abby for a walk. Is Abby his wife, girlfriend, daughter, S.O.? Nope, she's his cute little doggie--even I like her, which is saying something--and we stood talking for some time. Andy is young, probably in his twenties, and I'm not sure what he does for a living, but he's a nice guy and I like talking to him. Along with Leah, the other upstairs neighbor, also in her twenties and Black, we have nice little diverse community.


Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Pinto Beans And The Promenade

 I put a good amount of pinto beans in the slow cooker and added water and the "veggie juice" I save from cooking vegetables. I then left for Johnson Family Dental. This is something I've been dealing with--I may need extensive dental work--but I don't want to go into detail.

I stopped at Von's on the way home for romaine and the big container of large white mushrooms I like. After lunch, I sliced them in half, popped them in the oven with olive oil and garlic, then chopped up two big onions. Later, I added them to my pinto beans.

My friend, Gail, called to see if I could walk The Promenade today. I told her I had to get the ultrasound at 11:00 and happily, she offered to pick me up there. We decided we'd bring our lunches, too, and eat overlooking the Pacific. 

Bused to town to pick up the library book I had requested. It's The Coddling Of The American Mind and was recommended by my nephew, Patrick, the otolaryngologist now at the Cleveland Clinic. I started reading it on the way home and it looks pretty good. It seems to concentrate on academia, which naturally interests me.

When I got home, my beans were just about finished. I stir-fried the onions, added them and the roasted mushrooms, and a little seasoning. I had a lot of beans, so I froze another two or so portions and guess I'll be eating them for some time to come. I also had the rest of my fresh broccli and half of an acorn squash. Good dinner, actually. 

That rose from Suzanne is now full-blown and so beautiful:

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

The Flu, Paula, And A Gathering In The Park

Did a white wash with sheets and so on. Re-made the bed and otherwise straightened up a little. Walked over to Von's and got a flu shot. (The idea of getting a flu shot in a supermarket seems weird as hell, but it's a lot more convenient for me than going to the doctor's.) 

The other day, Jim and I discussed Ativan and I mentioned that I've taken it when I fly. He said he's sometimes anxious and asked about it, so I sent him info. He wrote back to thank me and wished me bon voyage. I responded with thanks and mentioned how much I value his friendship. And I do.  

Another annoying Blogger problem: That email address they so prominently display is not the one I use. Actually, I don't want my email there, anyway. I went into where you can change the address and check if you want it displayed, and it didn't follow my instructions. Why????

Today is my daughter-in-law's birthday. Paula and son, Mike, met as students at UCSB more than twenty years ago, and they've been together ever since. She's 52 and is as beautiful now as she was then. 

I moved here (to this apartment complex) in September of 2016, so it's been four years. Even if the rent goes up--which I'm sure it will--I think I'll stay. I feel happy here and it seems right for me. (That doesn't, of course, mean I'll never move, because if something better comes along, I'm outta here.) 

The Access van picked me up at 4:16 and took me to Thille Park. Of course, I was very early, but Vera came shortly after, then others, and oh, how good it was to be with this group again! Anne Lezada, who's younger than my children (middle forties, I think) is a special friend. She's an R.N. at Ventura Community Hospital in the maternity ward and hey, what a sharp gal she is. We seem to have a special rapport and we embraced as soon as we saw each other.  Yes, yes, I know, the virus, but damn, we haven't seen each other for months and it just happened. Gail Butcher was there, too. It's so unfortunate; she has some kind of liver problem and was in the hospital for a long time. She has lost fifty pounds, which I guess is good--she was quite a bit overweight before--but I fear she's not really well.

Altogether, there were seven of us there, with one newcomer, Jan. Her husband, who had had Alzheimer's, died only nine days ago. It's unusual for somebody that newly widowed to attend, but we all welcomed her, of course. There was one man, Royce, whom I've met before, which is a common ratio, male to female.  For one thing, women tend to live longer and for another--I think this is pretty much true--men seem to find it more difficult to reach out. Vera took this picture of me before the other attendees got there. She sent it to the others so they'd recognize the park:
It's a nice place--I've been there many times before--and if I had known I didn't have to take my chair, I would have walked. I've done it many times before, as it's only a mile and a half. Anyway, I greatly enjoyed the gathering. 

Monday, September 21, 2020

Good Sunday

A good Sunday, as it turned out.  I called Nancy early and we had a good talk. I was pretty sure she wouldn't attend Soaring Spirits this evening, and she concurred. She still has major problems with her knee, plus of course, the chronic anemia and, I'm afraid, other problems. 

Called the Access Van and made arrangements to be taken to Thille Park at 5:00 for our gathering today, then taken home at 7:00. I would ordinarily walk or at least, take the bus down Victoria, but since I'll be carrying a folding chair, I decided on this. It's still free, but I always give a two buck tip, anyway.

I walked to the Market and back, so got three miles in, I'm happy to note. I decided not to take a nap, because I was afraid it would hinder my sleep last night.* 

Suzanne met me outside and we discussed the pool situation (being closed on weekends, that is). She seems to accept it as natural, because somebody broke the "rules", to punish everybody, but I don't believe in collective guilt. However, she's the one who uses it and I almost never do, so the heck with it for now. I was pleased when she asked if I wanted to meet out front at 5:00 and chat. Yes, indeed; my policy is, "never turn down an invitation."

Called Ellen and we chatted for just a few minutes. Can't wait to see my girls together in just a few days.

I walked over to Von's after lunch to replenish my beer supply (I usually only buy it for specific occasions) and was delighted to see they had Sapporo, which is from Vietnam; actually, I drank it for the first time in Vietnam, a place I'd love to visit again. Jasmine Thai and the Japanese restaurant here also carry it. I bought two: one for last evening out front and one for tonight at Thille Park.

When Suzanne and I came out of our respective apartments, she brought me a beautiful rose from her garden:

We then sat and talked for almost an hour, covering her niece's upcoming wedding in Idaho, for which Suzanne will leave on Thursday and return on the twenty-ninth, the same day I leave. We discussed various other topics, but always and forever, the conversation got around to COVID, its dangers, its effects, how everybody must fall down screaming at the very thought of it, the horrible future, the shit being shoveled out to the populace--oh, wait, strike that last. I forgot, we're all supposed to take for granted the only response to this situation is to indoctrinate little children that people should be assumed to be dangerous enemies until proven otherwise. Why, yes, I have a problem with that. 

Now I must consult my list of "to do" before I go, and work on at least some of them.  

* I slept like a stone and didn't get up at all until 6:05--yay!

NOTE: This new Blogger format is just so annoying. Initially, it forced double spaces between paragraphs, but adding to it here, it didn't. Why? Why is the grass green?

Sunday, September 20, 2020


 Betty called as I was walking over to Von's; we had both enjoyed her visit on Friday. When I got home, old friend Mary Hoffman called and said she had texted Betty pictures of her former house on Washington Avenue, which the new owners have painted. Betty called her, but Mary wasn't sure Betty could see--or get--texts. I asked her to text them to me, which she did. I called Betty later--she couldn't seem to see the pics, so I told her I'd show her when I see her next...

...that will be next Saturday at Carolyn's. We're going to gather to see the visitors, who will arrive near hear on Friday. A few days after that, they will whisk me away to points unknown. (I mean I've never been to those points, but am anxiously awaiting.)

Got a text from Tony C., the landscaper, who gave me a price of $125 to shape up the bushes up front; I told him to go ahead.

I met Jim out front at 1:00 and we sat in our usual spot for lunch. As ever, we talked and talked about everything under the sun. We didn't say goodbye until 5:00, a marathon meeting, even for us. 

Son Mike called for a brief virtual (video) visit. I saw the girls just for a flach, Vivian putting on makeup and Violet working with her math teacher. Mike and Paula were about to go out for their regular massage, which they do regularly.

Got up this morning and was aghast to find no Ventura Star on my front walk. I may the only person left who gets it daily, and I was just thinking the other day how the carrier has been so faithful for so long. Goes to show--something or other. 

Unfortunately, I had a big problem with insomnia last night. I'm blaming it on the fact that, because Jim and I sat so long talking, I wasn't able to get adequate walking in. 


Saturday, September 19, 2020

What's The Matter With Google??

 Okay, NOW it's 6:47 am on Saturday, September 19. The following TWO posts pertain to yesterday, but I'm not even sure how I got there with Google's unbelievably difficult new crapola! What in the world is the MATTER with them? 👎😡

Friday, September 18, 2020

Frustrated By Blogger!

 Sharon called me about 7:30, knowing I'd be up. She said she's still having problems with her vision and--besides the edema and a multitude of other health issues--she has now developed gastric woes. So-o-o, she was going to come back for yesterday's T.O.P.S. gathering, but again was unable.

I weighed my self at home and got 128.04, a loss of .04; on the T.O.P.S. scale, I was 129.0, a loss of .03, which is a pretty consistent difference.  Only Bobbi, Cheryl, Lolly, Lennie, and I were there, and we talked a bit, then broke up. (As soon as somebody mentions the freakin' virus, I'm outta there. I'm sick of the topic and of the unquestioning and incredibly craven obedience to "authority." Doesn't anybody ever examine what we're actually doing? It's not that people follow what they're told without a qualm, it's that they seem to like it! And, like at least some of our T.O.P.S. members, they never miss a chance to preach to others.)

Carolyn called to see if all was okay for Betty and Mary to come for lunch. Yes, sure, and I'd see them at 12:30, hoping Mary remembered that I'd provide the drinks, but they were to bring their own lunches. I had gotten some important mail for Mike and walked to the P.O. to send it. Stopped at CVS to get Betty a diet Coke; they didn't have any, so I got Pepsi. 

Made my sandwich (honey turkey lunchmeat with avocado and mayo on whole grain) and assembled the rest. I added little bowls of grapes and pretzels and three nice pears, just for extras.

Later: This new Blogger setup is driving me crazy. I wanted to revise the above, but couldn't get into the draft. Then I typed out a whole new entry, saved, but it disappeared. I'm just going to quit for now and publish as is.

What happened: 1. Betty and Mary came to lunch and we ate out near the pool. 2. After they left, I bused into town, where I haven't been for quite a while. 3. I called my friend, Jim, we chatted and  made a date for lunch (our usual, meeting here near the pool). NOW I'M GOING TO PUBLISH THIS AND I APOLOGIZE FOR THE MESSINESS!


I'm beginning to think somebody has it in for me. I got up, poured my coffee, and sat down at the laptop, as usual. Added to this blog, pressed "publish," and started looking at Facebook. Oh, but wait--the screen suddenly dimmed a bit--hmm, I wonder why. Shortly after, it told me my battery was low and to re-charge. Puzzled, I did, but not long after, the whole damn thing went dead again. Good grief! 

I had breakfast, then called Laura at Office Depot. She said she suspected my charger was bad and advised me to bring it in again. This time, I was smart enough to take my cart; walked to Telephone Road, then bused. Laura plugged it in, charger seemed okay, and said we'd wait for half and hour or so. In the meantime, I went across the street to WinCo for grapes, Brussel sprouts, broccoli, and lunchmeat, so I can take sandwiches to my two little excursions today and Monday.  

Went back to Office Depot and the laptop seemed okay, so I thanked Laura and left. Something occurred to me that should have as soon as this happened: Could it be that I had accidentally turned the switch off at the door? I've done this before and that's where the charger is plugged in. Yes! That was the problem. Ellen had advised me to put tape or something over it so I didn't do it again, but I ignored that--thought it would look ugly. You can be sure I put something on as soon as I got home, though.

While I was waiting for the bus, my tenant, Eileen, texted me to say that the Sunrise Clubhouse manager had left a note on the door that sprinkler heads had to have red flags on them, as they were going to aerate and fertilize the lawn on Saturday. I called Laura, at the Clubhouse, and she said tenants could just pick up the flags and there were only four, anyway. I phoned Eileen to tell her this, so let's hope she'll get them and put them in. She also mentioned that the bushes in front need to be trimmed; I asked her to send me a picture. She did and I called Tony C., the landscaper; he'll get back to me.  

Had lunch, then put a load of wash in. While it was drying, I got antsy, so took off for the 21 bus to Oxnard, then rode the 6 back. Betty called and I mentioned I'd see her today. She was puzzled. Didn't Mary tell her that? No, so I called Mary later and she hadn't told her because Carolyn thought she should wait, as she'd be too anxious--or whatever. 

I also called a relative to check about the laptop and got direction from him. Called the dentist's office to ask to sit down with the dentist and get the lowdown on the procedure they want to do. We made an appointment for Tuesday at 10:30.

Cindy N., the hairdresser, called to thank me for recommending her to others. I told her I wanted her to come over for a trim before I go out of town.

Anyway, it seemed a pretty hectic day, but now I'm on the other side of it and preparing for T.O.P.S. 

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Laptop Litany

Another here and there, out and about day.  In the morning, I walked to the Market for fresh produce, taking a bus halfway back, as I often do. It was cool, so I wore long slacks and a long-sleeved shirt, plus my blue jacket. When I set foot on the overpass to 126, it was, as usual, as if a stove had been turned on; it seemed to suddenly heat up by twenty degrees.
Home, I changed into shorter pants and a light top, then had lunch. I like to make at least tentative plans for my days and I decided I'd go to town. I haven't been there for a while and just thought I'd walk Main and stop in a few shops. First, though, I checked Facebook and--AAGH!
Suddenly, the screen went blue and I saw the whirling circle and "lock." A second later, it all went black--and dead. I unhooked the modem, pressed this and that, and directed some choice curses its way, but nothing worked. Called the Office Max main number and wasn't able to get a person.  Called our local Office Depot (same company) where I had bought it, talked to my guru, Laura, and she said I'd better bring it in. I did, she fixed it, and all is well.
Now that preceding little sentence took a few seconds to record and the same to read, but the experience actually entailed  more than three hours of travel and wait time, plus roughly two miles of walking. But so what, it's not as if my social calendar was loaded, anyway, and I'm on-line again. What happened? It seems I'm not supposed to leave the charger in all the time, which I never knew.
Anyway, it's fixed and I got home about 5:00. Halved my mushrooms, added garlic and olive oil, and popped them in the oven. Along with my leftover spinach and carrots, plus one hot dog for protein, it was a tasty dinner.

Wednesday, September 16, 2020


As I usually do, I sat down in the evening yesterday to start up this blog. Hmm..."no Internet." Unplugged the modem, but still no go. Did a few other things, but nope. I called Yondoo (Communications), that lousy excuse for a business, and after several tries, finally got the info that the problem was in their end.

Anyway, it seems to have been remedied, so let's hope for good.

Yesterday, I walked to the P.O. to mail off a check to the garage door man, then walked and bused to Rolling Oaks Radiology. My paperwork had been sent, but I hadn't made an appointment and the wait time was an hour. To fill it, I walked over (maybe a mile) to WinCo for romaine and mushrooms. When I got back, I got in, and the arm was photographed. I was also told the doc wanted an ultra-sound, for which an appointment is needed. I'm not sure why she wants it, but I made it for next Wednesday. This episode had taken so long I didn't sit down to lunch until quarter of three. 

After that, I spent time trying to get the Internet up, then called Ellen and we chatted happily. Betty called in order to read me some more jokes from her joke book (groan...), and when I went out to empty the trash, I ran into my neighbor, Gordon, and we had a pleasant talk. We agreed we like the new gates and even that the sprucing up is welcome. How we'll like it when the axe falls with a rent increase is anybody's guess.

The good news of the day was that Vera, of Soaring Spirits (widow and widower group) has finally decided we can meet again. At a restaurant? Oh, certainly not (although why not, considering they all serve outside now, is anybody's guess), but at Thille Park, at 5:00 o'clock on Monday. We'll bring chairs and our own meals, of course, and sit six feet---blah, blah, blah. But okay, I'm not complaining, can't wait, and it should be great fun.

Note: I called the Access Van to see if they had changed the rule that trips had to be only to the supermarket or for medical reason. If anyone wants to know what kind of idiocy prevails, they need only see this answer: The van will take me back and forth to Thille Park of, AND ONLY IF, I want to go there myself, but not to join a group. Okay. When I call to make a reservation, I'll say I want to just go by myself. Of course, I may happen to bump into my pals from Soaring Spirits, and they may ask me to join them, and I may sit down and do so, but that wouldn't be my fault, would it?  😜


Tuesday, September 15, 2020


Well, it was an active day--and not all fun and games, either.
I walked to the Market and Wal-Mart early for lettuce and so on, then across to Ralph's for blueberries and grapes. Walked halfway home and bused the rest.
I called Dr. Jennings about my left forearm, which itches and is swollen and red. I thought an insect had bitten me, but don't see any entry point. Then I remembered that I had fallen about a week ago. I scraped my knee a little, but mostly fell on my elbow, which acquired a scrape and a large, ugly bruise. Dr. Jennings looked at it (on phone video), asked questions, and thinks it's cellulitis. What? I always thought cellulitis was something like acne or flabby fat, or something. But no, it seems it's an infection and she prescribed cephalexin (I have no idea), which I'm to take three times a day for a week. She also wants me to get an x-ray of the arm, which I'll try to do today. Later in the day, I walked over to CVS for the med and paid a whopping $3.22.
I got a text from my tenant, Eileen, about yet another problem. It seems the garage door is sticking. I texted Bill Galway and he stopped to look at it. Texted me back that it has a broken spring and that I'd have to contact a garage door company to replace it and gave me a name and number to call. He refused to charge me for his visit, that sweet guy, even though he's a contractor.  I texted Eileen to get her permission to give the door guy her number, she gave it, I called him, and he said he'd go look at it. He did, replaced the spring and texted me a bill for $346.53. Oh, well, it's only...
The guys came to put the new gate and my gigantic lavender had to be sacrificed. The big geranium had to be moved, also, but Gabe was nice enough replant it. Actually, I like the gate; of course, it has a closing latch, but that can be undone from the other side, too. There's a place to add a combination lock, but I won't bother. If somebody wants to come in and steal my geranium, they probably need it more than I do. Here's the before and after:
Betty called and asked about she and her companion, Mary, coming to my place. This has been discussed for some time, but I hadn't heard anything directly. I asked Betty to give Mary my number, she did, Mary called, and we decided on Friday at 12:30. I suggested the other two bring themselves sandwiches and I'll provide the beer and soda.
Niece Carolyn called in the evening and we talked for an hour, catching up on various doings and what's coming up on the extended family calendar.     

Monday, September 14, 2020

Great Day

Yesterday was about my best day in months. I got to Ellen's around 12:20 and while she tidied up the kitchen, we talked and talked. The kitties were, as usual, full of high spirits and it was great fun playing with them.
El drove us to Sea Fresh and we got there about 2:00. She accepted a Margarita in honor of her birthday--it looked lovely--and had a fish taco with it. I like their seafood a lot, but I do eat a lot of fish at home, so ordered an big Black Angus hamburger, very rare (I always tell the server I want to hear a faint "moo"). I don't eat red meat as a rule and don't buy it, but will order it out now and then. Had a wonderful Stella Artois lager, too, and it was a great lunch.
I had mentioned to the server it was Ellen's birthday and darned if she didn't bring out a sundae, gratis, with two spoons. So good to share that with my darling daughter. Here's El with her Margarita:

After, we went back to El's, chatted and played with the kitties a bit more, then she drove me to Von's and the bus stop. I got  home about 6:00 and had a glass of iced tea. NO dinner, I was so stuffed from lunch--in fact, I may never eat again (unlikely).
I got a phone call later, had a long talk and made some plans. Put on my jammies at 7:00, did my thing on this contraption, then settled in to watch an hour of Matt Damon in Garry. That's a very peculiar movie, about which more when I finish it. 

Sunday, September 13, 2020


I realized I hadn't taken my footbridge walk to the park for weeks and decided yesterday was a good time to do it. I had six books to donate to the little library, so I loaded them into my cart and started off.  I wanted to get some more room in my bookcases, but wouldn't you know--I picked up three other full-sized ones. I'm only halfway through the Ripley tribology, which is from the county library and I have a number of other books I haven't started. Oh, well, I'll get to them eventually. It felt so good to be walking, so rather than bus back, I did the whole three miles.
After lunch, I bused to the mall/transit center and stopped at The Alliance Bargain Box across the street. This is a thrift store, but one of the very high-end ones. It reminds me of some of the elegant second hand places I've read about in big cities. I didn't buy anything, but enjoyed looking. I saw a wonderful painting of two cows--only ten bucks--but reluctantly left it. I have absolutely no place to put it in my tiny kitchen--but damn, I wish I did.
Went to Target and was delighted they had blueberries. I had been dismayed that WinCo had none when I was there on Friday. I also got two pounds of carrots. I had saved the liquid from the last time I made beans in the slow cooker and it occurred to me it probably has plenty of protein in it, so I'll try slow-cooking the carrots in it.
When I got home, I tied up some of my lavender plant, as Gabe had advised. I don't know what to do with the big geranium, but am afraid it must be sacrificed. Suzanne was in her patio watering (she in the end unit and has a hose) and she kindly watered my ficus. She said her sister, who lives in Washington State, had called to tell her one of the fires was three miles away.
Lunch with my girl today, to which I'm looking happily forward, of course.
Note: Blogger suddenly started using a new format, which I heartily dislike. I found the direction you can use to revert back to this one, but there seem to be problems there, also. 

Saturday, September 12, 2020

T.O.P.S. And Trees

We gathered at T.O.P.S. and I was surprised and pleased to weigh in at 129.4, a loss of .06. (My home scale read 128.8, reflecting a loss of .05.) I told the group I'd be away at the end of the month, but they can continue to meet here, if they want. So far, nobody has challenged us--of course, I'm a resident and these are my guests.
Home, late breakfast, then I cut up tomatoes and onions, added the usual olive oil and seasonings, and popped two glass containers of  them into the oven. Also cut up peppers to stir-fry for dinner.
I then decided to go to Winco, took my cart, and walked to Telephone, where I intended to get the 11 bus. However, it wasn't coming for 19 minutes, so I walked another mile. That totaled about two and half, so good.
Got fajitas, spinach, and other goodies, then bused home. It took a while, so I didn't get lunch until 2:00. Betty called and we talked about this and that for a bit.
Suzanne rang my bell to ask if I had seen the new gates that were being installed at the openings of the patios. Yes, but I had thought they were just for dog owners. Nope, we're all getting them. The complication for  me is I have this large lavender and big geranium right where the gate must go. Gabe asked me to tie it up where it should be cut back and he'll do it.
Note the patio gate in the background.
It's much more serious for Suzanne: She has a beautiful ficus tree, probably thirty feet high, that she planted as a little shrub when she moved here--twenty-three years ago. In her case, the only change that would work is to have the gate swing a different way. Gab said he'd talk to the boss; I see no reason they can't accommodate, but who knows. The picture doesn't even do her magnificent tree justice. Mine, which Ellen gave me as a moving in gift, is in the foreground.

My tenant, Eileen, texted me that the garage door is sticking. I texted Bill Galway and he said he'd look at it. I hope and expect it's a minor problem.
About 4:15, I was restless, so I walked out to Telegraph Road and got a bus to Oxnard. I just stayed on until it got to the transit center, then switched to the Ventura one and rode home. Didn't get in until after 6:00, so by the time I made my ground turkey stir-fry and ate, it was after 7:00.

Friday, September 11, 2020

Moody, Mushrooms, And Not Much Else

I slept through the night, which was good, and got up at 6:15. I felt a little down, though, and all morning, I just lazed around. I'm worried about the thing on my face--is it a basal cell? Worse, maybe? Will I be disfigured when it's removed? Will it kill me? 

I called my cousin, Sally, and left a message, but haven't heard back from her. AAGH!  For some strange reason, Blogger is now putting a double space between my paragraphs. They've already changed the format, which is disconcerting. (What's the matter, Mimi, don't you want to learn anything new? NO, I don't--at least not something that was perfectly okay before!) 

It's always depressing for me to stay in, so to escape my mood, I changed (it's gotten much cooler), took my little cart, and walked to Smart 'N' Final. I got a nice cabbage, some apples, and a few other items. Walked back, so I got three miles in and I felt much better once I got home. I immediately cut up my cabbage and apples and put them in the slow cooker. Hard-boiled some eggs for my salad (I have protein at every meal) and had lunch. 

Antsy again, so I took the 10 to the transit center, switched to the 6, rode down to Telephone (Road), got off and walked to Portola, so I made another 1.8 miles, and felt much better.

Home, I halved my nice, big white mushrooms, added some garlic and olive oil, and put the in the oven with my piece of salmon. Those two and the cabbage made a good meal.

Betty called and of course, had found the album she was sure somebody had taken. I then called Ellen, who said she's getting on top of some of the technical problems in her on-line teaching. Today is her birthday, that darling girl. She said Greg's son and his fiancee are in town, so Greg is going to take all out for dinner for her birthday. We decided I'd take her to lunch either tomorrow or Sunday. Also, she received the Amazon gift card I sent her--which I specified should be delivered today, on her actual birthday. She got it on Sunday, damnit. Hope she gets her card today. 

The "slept well" note above pertains to yesterday. I was wakeful a long time over this night and, wouldn't you know, it's Friday, so I have to go to T.O.P.S. That means I won't get breakfast until about ten and throws off my whole schedule, but since it's mostly weigh-in, I guess I can survive.  


Thursday, September 10, 2020

The Skinny On My Skin

The Access Van picked me up just after 9:00 for my 10:15 demonology appointment. I could easily have walked there, as it's only about a mile and a half, but I didn't want to arrive hot and sweaty. I was, of course, very early, but I was taken early. After filling out the interminable paperwork, I was weighed and, interestingly (well, it's interesting to me, if nobody else), I weighed in at 131.7, although I had all my clothes on, including my shoes. 
I was seen by Dr. Michael Trauner and what a neat guy. He asked if anyone in my birth family had had a melanoma and yes, my older sister did. Therefore, I was told I needed a full body scan and to disrobe, except for underwear. Did so, the doc looked and pronounced that all the annoying things popping up on me were no problem, just due to "maturity." (Ha--I know what he meant by that!)
We then starting chatting and when he asked me what I did during this time of trial, I mentioned I write plays and had been in little theatre. He lit up and said so is his daughter, a college student at GW in Washington, D.C. and we had a fun conversation about acting and so on. We then started talking about our children and he said he's been to Hong Kong, where Mike used to live, and Tokyo, where older son does. That was fun and he got up to leave, but first asked me to take off my mask...
Bo-i-i-n-g... I had completely forgotten about the thing on the side of my nose! He immediately noticed it and said he thinks it's Basel cell cancer. I'm sure he's right as I've scraped it off, but the scab never heals. He numbed it, injected it, and did a biopsy and said I'd be called in a week or so with the result. Well, it's not the worst thing in the world, medically speaking--I just hope my nose remains intact.
Walked a few blocks, then the 10 came along and I hopped on that.
After lunch, I walked to the Market for tomatoes and things. Bused back, but was home by 3:00. I fooled around a bit on the laptop, then thought I'd go to Von's for mushrooms. Just as I was walking out the door, Suzanne was coming in and I deferred my supermarket trip to sit out front and chat with her. Leah, from upstairs, came home and we talked with her, also. I had seen in the paper that there was a homicide in Oxnard. Leah works on the coroner's office and said it was so distressing because it was such a young guy and he hasn't even been identified yet. The three of us agreed we'd meet for tea on our mutual front walk someday.
Got my mail, which included this wedding invitation:
These two were in the Fractured Actors show in August. I'm amazed they invited me, as I hardly know them, but my policy is "never turn down an invitation," and I plan to go. They actually have a web site about the wedding, which is fun to see. They're both actors and Karyn is also a set designer; Michael has been in some T.V. commercials. Naturally, they both have regular jobs.
Another unbelievable occurrence: As I usually do, I started this post on the same day about which I'm writing, then top it off the next morning. As I write, it's 11:49 am on Wednesday, September 9. Incredibly, I just got a robo-call and when I declined it, a message.  It told me to call a certain number if I, or a member of my family, has been diagnosed with cancer. Obviously, the powers that be* knew I had been to a dermatologist. I wonder if they knew he found a probable skin cancer.
*Our corporate masters., supported by their whores, the politicians. 

Wednesday, September 09, 2020


A very peculiar thing happened in the morning: water fell out of the sky !
At least, I think it was water--this was southern California rain, a kind of sullen drizzle. I started out to the Market, but decided against it after a mile or so, and turned back. It wasn't that I was very wet, I just didn't feel like going.
Prepared my sandwich, ale, and took some cloths to wipe the chairs, as I was expecting Jim for lunch. We met at 1:00, as planned, and sat in our regular spot near the pool. As ever, we talked and talked and talked, ranging from our Catholic backgrounds, our parents' marriages, politics, philosophy, and favorite books and authors. I urged him to read the poetry of  William Butler Yeats and he suggested I read Nausea, the novel by Jean-Paul Sartre. We both love biographies and I recommended Speak, Memory, one of the best by one of my all-time favorites, Vladimir Nabokov. As ever, it was deeply satisfying to discuss, argue, agree and disagree with someone you like and respect and who isn't committed to some rigid dogma. We didn't say goodbye until quarter of five.
Something disconcerting happened as we were talking: I declined two robo-calls and Jim mentioned he was on the "Do Not Call" list. (I thought I was, too, but clearly, it doesn't always work.)  Just a second or two after we mentioned it, a message appeared on my phone urging me to sign up for the Do Not Call Registry. Yes, there's no doubt they're not just tracking you on your computer, but are listening to your conversations. The mind reels...
Dermatologist today--ugh! I don't know why I asked my primary to see one, as the spots or whatever they are, are fewer. Oh, well--the Access Van is scheduled to pick me up at 9:13.
Yesterday, my grandson was seven years old; what a precious little cowboy!  💗

Tuesday, September 08, 2020

Nothing Much

I stripped the bed and put the linens and other whites in a bleach wash. Re-made bed, had breakfast, then took off for the Market with my little cart. It was warm, of course, but not unbearably hot--in fact, it was very pleasant. I got my blueberries, grapes, cauliflower, and romaine, plus emery boards and a birthday car for my dear girl.
Often, I take the bus home, but this time it occurred to me I hadn't seen any go past. Oops, that's right, it was Labor Day and the buses weren't running. No prob, I just walked home.
Prepared my salad lettuce and cut up the cauliflower; put it in the slow cooker, added water and seasoning, and let 'er rip. I took out the rest of the beans I had cooked and frozen the other day, so had yet another vegan dinner.
Finally got around to taking some of my gardening leftovers--pots and so on--to the trash removal place. I left them on the ledge, in case somebody can use them; otherwise, they'll be taken away. Ran into the young man from the building across the grass from us. I knew he and his wife were expecting and, yes, baby Michael was born on September 2. They have a seven-year-old little girl, too. I'll have to remember to get them a little something.
I was kind of at loose ends after that, so poured myself a pale ale, put some pretzels in a bowl, and sat out on the patio reading more of  The Talented Mr. Ripley.
I walked a bit around the complex, but wasn't anxious to go farther. Put in another load of wash after dinner and showered while it did its thing. Watched more of Big--hard to believe it's 32 years old.
So, generally speaking, it was sort of a nothing-much day.

Monday, September 07, 2020

We're havin' a heat wave...🎵🎵🎵🎵

(Marilyn sang that in a movie.)
The usual Sunday morning. I was able to complete the crossword, then spent time weeding out some of my books. It's always a dilemma for me, but both my bookcases are filled and I just can't keep them all. I had thought I'd walk to the little library in the park to donate them, but when I went outside to check the weather--WOW!  It was 99 degrees. However--incredibly and happily--my apartment is quite comfortable. 
Unfortunately, Betty isn't. She called to say that when she had gotten home from Carolyn's on Saturday, it was boiling inside. Uh-huh: She's on the second floor and has three outside walls--rather, more like two and a half, but with a window in two. My inner unit is on the first floor. Suzanne's, at the end of the building, gets much warmer.  That's good for me now, not so much in the winter.
I actually thought of walking over to Von's, but once I got outside, nope, so I just walked around the complex for a little exercise. 
I got a welcome phone call from somebody and we discussed her trip and my trip at the end of the month. What trip? Ah-h-h, all will be revealed in due time.
Being on a Matt Damon kick, I ordered the DVD of his movie, Gerry, which I had never even heard of before. Looks interesting, though.  
Here's the turkey thing I bought:
As I only rarely do, I lay down after lunch and actually took a nap. Got up about 4:30 to see Suzanne reading out front. I went out and we sat and chatted for an hour or so. She had made a fruit cobbler with some kind of protein flour, with blueberries and some of the pears I had given her. She gave me a piece which I said I'd have after dinner. I did--but only two forkfuls. I just don't want to get in the habit of eating sweet things, aside from plain fruit.
Had a good dinner of tilapia, fresh string beans, and the last of the butternut squash. Now I've got to replenish my produce supplies. I can always get things at Von's, but I prefer the market, so I hope it won't be too torrid out there today. 
A literary note: I'm reading Patricia Highsmith's trilogy, The Talented Mr. Ripley,  Ripley Underground, and Ripley's Game. all full-length novels.  The movie (one of my favorites) was made of the first, of course, but bears only a tenuous relationship. It's too long and involved to explain here, but the differences are profound. Oddly, I like both of them a lot. The movie is just superb in its script, acting, locations, and so on, but I find the book absorbing, too. It's much more "inner"--with thoughts and emotions, that is. Books can delve deeply in that region, but movies just can't. Anyway, I like them both very much and just regard them as two different works of art.  

Sunday, September 06, 2020

A Variety

I finally got around to filing my mountain of paperwork and completing--I hope--my nifty new filing cabinet. I probably keep much more than I need, especially in light of electronic "filing," but that's okay, as long as I have room. Hard-boiled some eggs for my salad protein since I'm out of fajitas and crab meat.
I emailed Mike to tell him I had received--actually, my tenant, Eileen, had received at my house--a notification from a mortgage company (he owns property here and there). It said he had been sent a check three years ago and had never cashed it. The amount? $740,930.
Oh, wait, maybe I mis-typed...
Yep, I added some zeros; he's actually owed $74.93.  
Anyway, for that piddling amount, they won't start sending it until 2021 and then they wrote it would take four to ten weeks. I competed the document, changing his (my) address and forged his signature. When I get the check, I'll deposit in his account, for which I have the info.
I thought I'd walk to Wal-Mart, maybe, but when I stepped outside, I noted that it was very hot, so I  jettisoned the idea of a three-mile (roundtrip) walk, and went to the post office, instead.
I came back via the Von's shopping center, which takes me past a bakery where Janelle, who was also in the Fractured Actors show (she played my granddaughter), works. I stopped to chat for a few minutes, then walk on. Betty called and told me again about the screen door, plus thisa and thata.
Got romaine and pretzels at Von's
After lunch, I took the 10 to the mall, then the 6 to town. Stopped at a thrift store and bought the DVD of LaLa Land, plus a kind of tapestry turkey banner for Thanksgiving. (Of course, I need it like a hole in the-- .)
My grandson posted on Facebook this picture of 13-year-old Tristan. His Dad didn't feel well and "T" was making him dinner. He's a sweet guy--well, they all are:
I was just finishing dinner when Ellen called to say there was a power outage in Ojai. What a drag, considering the temp was close to 100 over there. We decided she would stay over here (Greg would have been welcome, too, but he called and decided he'd rough it there.) 
El came with her Thai salad dinner (she likes spicy--ugh!), but had just gotten here when she got a text that the outage was--well, out. In other words, electricity was on.  I regretted that she didn't stay over, but she came in to eat. I poured myself a glass of Chardonnay, and I caught up with her busy school life.  
After El left, I Watched the rest of Good Will Hunting. Went to bed after ten, which for me is 'way late, but I didn't care, it was so good to see her.   
Unbelievable: For the third time, I received a text telling me my COVID test failed. Okay, that's it: I'm not going back.


Suzanne called to say she had been at some affair (church service?) with Lora's brother-in-law, Reuban, and he told her of Seth's de...