Saturday, June 20, 2020


When I awoke yesterday, I realized I had slept soundly all night--didn't get up once. Lately, that's been the exception and often when I get up for the usual (a delicate way to put using the toilet), I can't get back to sleep for some time. So-o-o, I felt good when I arose.
Cheryl picked me up and we went to the sort of T.O.P.S. meeting. I had weighed myself at home, clothed and not, on my scale at home and recorded it below. The "meeting" itself--we sat around a picnic table outside--was a total, aimless bore, but had the advantage of lasting only about fifteen, so I got home for breakfast earlier than the usual.
I found an envelope big enough to send Betty's damn card back and decided I'd walk the few blocks to the P.O., then go the opposite way to Smart 'n' Final. A few steps from my apartment, though, I met a neighbor who greeted me; I responded and we started chatting.
Good grief, we stood there for about forty-five minutes, talking away. Her name is Olivia and I guess she's in her fifties--it's so  hard to tell with the damn masks on--has two grown daughters and was divorced two months ago. She lost her mother, for whom she had cared, only last month, so she's had a lot of sad happenings lately. She moved here only in March and when she told me what her rent is, I was shocked--it's more than three hundred a month more than mine. Olivia also told me she's a germophobe--has been all her life, long before the Co-vid thing. I sympathized, as I know she can't help it and it must be very upsetting in a number of ways. Anyway, I enjoyed meeting her and gave her my card.
After lunch, I finally mailed the card at the P.O., then bused to town. Just walked a bit, bought the DVD Brokeback Mountain at the thrift store and a carton of cottage cheese at Von's, then headed home.
About 6:00, when I was just about to start heating dinner (black beans, which I made last week and de-frosted) I was surprised and pleased to get a phone call from Suzanne, asking if I'd like to sit on my patio and visit for a bit. Well, damn straight I would (I didn't say that to Sister Suzanne). I was even more surprised when she said she'd bring something to drink and did I have wine, if not, she'd bring some. Was I dreaming? Of course, I had single-portion bottles of Chardonnay in the fridge and got one out. Suzanne came with--I almost fainted--a beer mug with brew in it. As I found out quickly, though, it was actually an O'Douls, which is a non-alcoholic "beer." Hey, I didn't care if she was drinking horse piss, I was pleased she had suggested it.
She stayed an hour or so, during which time, my new friend, Olivia. knocked on my door to give me two avocados--she had extras. That was nice of her and later, I knocked on her door to thank her again, but she wasn't home.
So--it turned out to be a good day and soon, I'll take off for Ellen's, which will be an even better one.
Note: This is my Japanese daughter-in-law's birthday--just nine days before my son's, her husband's, although she's twenty years younger. It seems a downright miracle that she's in our family and especially, has gifted us with such a beautiful little boy. Happy birthday, Natsue!
Weight Report
Home: (unclothed) 130.8 (-.02 from last week)   (clothed) 131.6 so clothes weighed .08
T.O.P.S.: 132.3 (last meeting in February: 128.5, which indicates a gain of 3.8. That's hard to believe. I wonder if the fact the T.O.P.S. scale was on concrete yesterday, as opposed to the vinyl (I think) flooring inside was a factor. Anyway, I'll continue to record the three weights weekly.

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I started off the morning with some annoying problems with Amazon Japan re Christmas gifts, but I don't want to go into detail.  Left at...