Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Arrived back in Singapore the night before last (Monday, here)to be greeted at the Fairmount drive-up by the director of sales and two of her assistants, all of whom accompanied me to my room. When we opened the door, there was a young woman in a silken gown in the foyer, holding a silver tray with a glass of pineapple juice and a cool cloth. Both were refreshing after the trip from Vietnam. This is the kind of wonderful surprises the Fairmont has treated me to since I got here.
Yesterday, Mike worked, so I hopped on a "hop-on"--a sight-seeing bus. Got off at various stops, including the botanic gardens, the riverfront, Chinatown, and Orchard Road. Had lunch at the latter, then hopped back to the hotel. Took a shower, dressed, then Mike came in and we went upstairs to the wine and appetizer Hospitality Room. I just made that dinner, enjoying pasta, delicate little ham slices, rice, and fruit, along with white wine. I was surprised that the staff didn't challenge Mike; in fact, they greeted him enthusiastically, as if they knew him. While we were eating, Mike was greeted by two men, the general manager of the hotel and another executive. Mike introduced me and they chatted. I found out that Mike sits on the hotel's board of advisers--hmm, guess that's why I'm paying about half the going rate for my fabulous accommodations.
After our delicious--and gratuitous--meal, I asked Mike if we could go across the street to the Long Bar at the historic Raffles Hotel to have a Singapore Sling. This has been a lifelong ambition of mine. (Well, it's been an ambition since I started reading up on Singapore the first time I was here about eight years ago.) Anyway, we went and sat in the Long Bar, which was crowded and noisy with other sucker tourists. I paid close to thirty bucks for a Singapore Sling and the privilege of throwing peanut shells on the floor. Mike doesn't drink and just had water, but sipped a bit of my Sling and said it tasted like cough syrup.
But so what? I saw Somerset Maugham and Noel Coward as they hoisted a few at the next table; Graham Greene strolled in to join them, and I was in the Long Bar at the Raffles Hotel in the Orient drinking a Singapore Sling.


Anonymous said...

Cool! I'm glad you have a 'Sling! Of course it tasted like cough syrup to Mike, that's probably the only alcohol he ever tastes. Did you like it? Is it nice and warm there? (It's been freezing again here in Ventura--more snow on the local mountains.) Talk to you later.

Mimi said...

Oh, it's heavenly warm, El--about 85 everyday, but AC is everywhere, so you don't feel it as much. We tried to Skype you the other day,but you must have still been at school. Exciting news about Mike, especially the London part--can't wait for you and I to go!


 What?? Who?? Okay, Jose and Panther were on the 10-16 bus I took to Ellen's. They got off at the transit center, though, because Jose i...