Tuesday, January 07, 2020

Widder Lunch

Breakfasted, showered, dressed, and set off for the Soaring Spirits lunch at the Stonefire Grille. It was a lovely warm day and I walked to it, deviating to Colony Park, where I used to live just to look over my old apartments.
It was a good group at the lunch, but I was surprised Nancy wasn't there; I had talked to her on Sunday and she assured me she was going. Unfortunately, Carolyn told me Nancy's back was acting up again and she just couldn't get there. So sorry and I'll call her today.
Sat with Carolyn and talked mostly to her and Greg. He's still waiting for a kidney transplant, but is not yet at the stage where he needs dialysis. I told him about my neighbor, Gordon, who does his dialysis at home. Chatted with the others, then left to take the bus to town.
On the way, though, it occurred to me that I wanted to continue work on my play and that I had a lot to do involving my trip, so I just got to the transit center and took the 6 home. Was on the phone and email with my contact and lots has been settled regarding my trip.
Betty called while I was at lunch, but for some reason, I didn't hear it. Called her back several times, finally got her and she more or less forgot why she had called--sigh.
I was pleased to get a message from Jim C., saying how much he enjoyed the lasagna and company the other night at dinner. Writing back and forth, we made dates to attend the Dudley House potluck on the fifteenth and the Santa Barbara opera company at the library in town on the thirty-first.
I received a handwritten letter--yes, in regular U.S. mail--from my cousin, John, in Plymouth Meeting, PA. It's all about his genealogical pursuits--on my father's, the Irish side, of course.  John has now gone so far afield--cousins of cousins of cousins--that a lot is hard to follow. However, I'm gong to write him back an appreciative letter and send it snail mail, too.
This is the 38th birthday of my grandson in Jersey, Joel Michael Phillips. Wow.
Note: Darn, this was a very bad night when it came to sleep. Got up for the usual at about 1:00 and just could not get back. I finally got up at 6:45, as I'm expecting the T.V. person to come between 8 and 11 and didn't want to oversleep. I'll probably take a nap sometime during the day.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...