Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Futility, Frustration, And A Trip To Ventnor

Although the darn cold is still hanging on, I wasn't about to stay in. Walked over the footbridge to the library, taking my trusty little cart, as I was returning two big volumes: The Official Downton Abbey Movie Guide and The Downton Abbey Cookbook. I think I'm slowly, at long last, curing myself of my D.A. obsession.
I had no Romaine for lunch and didn't feel like walking over to get some, so I just had dribs, drabs, and leftovers consisting of a bowl of black bean "stew," a bowl of spinach, and a baked onion. Not exactly a balanced meal, but once in a while, it doesn't hurt.
Betty called and we had a pretty good conversation, with just a bit of confusion. She said she had received from her long-ago classmate at Misericordia,* Margo (Conner?), an update of their class members of sixty-some years ago. After that, appropriately, I guess, I took the bus to the Ventura Adult Center for the Alzheimer's program, hoping to learn something new.
That was futile. It was a complete waste of time and I think this is the last I'll go to, at least for awhile. I already know--too well--the symptoms and problems of the one with dementia and the caregiver problems, too. They first showed, for some inane reason, a short video which purported to follow somebody with Alzheimer's to the grocery store and illustrate her dilemma with confusion. Not only was it idiotic, it was from the U.K., for Pete's sake. After that came sunshiny talks by three people with the County Council on Aging, filled with platitudes, cliches, and jargon, which seems to be the communication mode in which we've sunk.  I sat through the whole thing, which was supposed to start at 2:00 and go on until 3:30, but started at 2:30 and went on until almost 4:00. I did see Suz Montgomery there, and I chatted with Lori, whom I remember from Senior Council when I was the chair a few years ago.
Anyway, I got out, walked the mile or so to the museum bus stop and rode gratefully to my cozy place, having wasted the afternoon. BUT...
Aside from all that, it was a red letter day because of what my nephew, Wes, made and put on my Facebook page. He took me on a trip from Ventura to Ventnor, and I love it!
I'm not sure this will work here, but if not, it can be seen on my FB page.
I called Betty to tell her about the video and we tried and tried for me to share it on her FB page. It worked on my end, but she couldn't get it and what we saw on Facebook were two different things. It ended up in utter frustration for both of us until I called a halt. We were on the phone for an hour and I didn't get dinner until after 7:00, which is very late for me. What a drag! I hope we can resolve it somehow today.
*Idiot Spellcheck wants to change that to "Pericardia"! 


iloveac said...

It didn't appear on your blog and I didn't see it on FB. I saw the dancers over time and something that said my hometown, but nothing about a video. Will try again.

Mimi said...

I can't understand why this can't be seen. I just tried sharing it onto your FB page. Please let me know if you see it there.

iloveac said...

It just says...not available right now, maybe the owner only made it available to a small group of people. If it's has to be made Public for others to see it.

Mimi said...

You're probably right. Darn.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...