Tuesday, January 14, 2020


I had trouble getting back to sleep after I got up for the usual at 1:30. However, I felt okay the rest of the day and slept soundly last night.
Walked down Victoria, then another mile on Telephone before the bus came. Went to Office Depot for printer ink--damn, it amounted to more than fifty bucks. Walked from there to Target and moseyed around there a bit. Bused home and was just getting in the door when Gail called. She accepted my invitation to lunch at my place on Thursday and we had a nice chat. I then called Nancy and we confirmed that she'll be there, too. Had a long talk on a variety of topics, including our mutual friend, Carolyn B., who continues to puzzle and concern us.
After lunch, for a change, I didn't go to town or out walking otherwise. Instead, I sat down here and looked over some of my other plays aside from Acquisitions.  I was particularly interested in seeing how Fatal Family Reunion held up and actually,  it isn't bad. Maybe I can interest Jeff and Fractured Actors in it.
Walked over to Von's for Chianti and pasta. I'll serve the former on Thursday with the lasagna and make a pasta salad with the latter for the Dudley House potluck tomorrow. Cored and baked two apples with cinnamon, meaning to have them for dinner, but put them in the fridge and forgot; will have them tonight. Again had a vegan dinner: my black bean stew and zucchini.
Betty called to ask again for the phone number of a mutual acquaintance. She said she knows a man who's looking into pickle ball. I'm off to Santa Barbara shortly for lunch with her.

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