Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Here And There

I took the foot bridge to the Hill Street library branch to return a few things. I found a kind of encyclopedia of major crimes through the centuries and sat down for an hour or so to read it. I've always been fascinated by true murder--I'm not sure why, but I am. I left that book there, but took out another about a grisly murder of a young woman in Massachusetts--so far, so interesting. Walked to Victoria from there and continued home, so I got in a bit more than three miles.
I had no fajitas (grilled chicken) left, so I rebelled against the salad lunch and took two chicken pieces out of the freezers (I had roasted them several weeks ago) and had them, along with a whole can of Lima beans.
Worked on my plays and finally resolved the plot problem in Fatal Family Reunion. It's pretty contrived, but that's okay, as this was written for comedy dinner theatre, which are always very broad and farcical. Still haven't found When Cooks Confer.
I then bused to town, as I had gotten an email notice from the library that the book I requested, The Power of Intention: Learning, by Dr. Wayne Dyer, was in. Wait, I requested that? I didn't remember requesting anything since the bio of Ho Chi Minh months ago. However, I went to the library, picked up the book and looked into it. Oh, good grief, it was one of those junior high-level tomes about finding yourself and being mindful and all that boring stuff, written by the shrink and "motivational speaker" who wrote the mega-hit, Your Erroneous Zones, years ago. I took it to the librarian and we found it didn't have my library card number on it, so it was a mistake. Sure was.
Left and crossing Main, I heard somebody exclaim "Rosemary!" and I looked up to see---uh, somebody I knew I knew, but who? I could not remember her name OR where I knew her from. We stood on the sidewalk for a good twenty minutes talking, during which I slowly realized I knew her from when I used to walk Kimball. I just now looked up "Kimball" on this blog and, yes, of course, her name is Diane. She's a dedicated hiker and has recently hiked in Washington State, Italy, and France, for heaven's sake. She'll be 75 on her next birthday. Anyway, I always liked her and we agreed we'd meet for lunch one of these days.
Speaking of which, Nancy and I will go to a new restaurant in town tomorrow. Before that, though, I have to go to the dentist and get my teeth cleaned--today, in just a few hours--AAGH!

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...