Friday, January 03, 2020


EGADS! Set my alarm for 6:30, but it didn't go off! Just got up at 8:00 and now must rush to have Cheryl pick me up for T.O.P.S. Darn!
As for yesterday, I got a fair amount done. I just could not decide what to make for my company tonight. I just didn't feel like going a lot of effort and finally decided--and may the gods of entertaining forgive me--on prepared lasagna, a fresh salad, and the cake Ellen made for my birthday for dessert. Gawd, I can't believe I've sunk so low as not to make everything from scratch and have it The Best You Ever Tasted. Silly. Anyway, I got the stuff at Von's, put the cake in the fridge to defrost and also removed some Italian bread from the freezer to add.
It then occurred to me to make "Nana Mix" for my grandson, whose birthday is this Tuesday. I did so, then found a decorative box for it. I wrapped and labeled, then walked to the P.O. to mail.
I was pleased when Javier and Toby came over with a new light fixture and installed it. I had requested it only a few hours before and boy, what  difference--much brighter. El called while they were here and we chatted. She had undone her tree and found that her ornament boxes, stored in her shed, had gotten wet; the roof must leak. I suggested buying an ornament holder, but later, she said she couldn't find a place that sells them.
I left shortly after Javier and Toby did and went to the mall, thinking I might be able to find an ornament box at Target. I didn't, though, and while I was there Betty called. I promised not to share what she said, but it involves her money and clearly, her problem includes paranoia. Talked to her for some time and hope she gets over this.

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 Nothing much going on in the morning. Later, I walked to the P.O. to send some of the overseas Thanksgiving cards and check the weight of a...