Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Walking And Widder Dinner

I still didn't want to plunge into my usual activities, so laid low most of the morning. However, I got antsy about 10, so walked the mile and a half to the Wal-Mart area to get rice cakes, grapes, and coffee. I just missed the 21 home, so walked back. That was okay, as I got three miles in. Called Terri M. to ask if she'd take me home from the widder dinner and she agreed.
I got a text from Stella. She had asked if I wanted to go to the botanic gardens at 10 today, then have lunch, then attend an Alzheimer's program at the adult center at 2:00. I wasn't really anxious to go to anything but the program and was relieved when she said she had to drive to L.A., instead. She'll get in touch when she gets back.
After lunch, I worked on several plays, then jumped in the shower and got ready for the Stonefire Grille and din-din. I surprised myself by also walking there, about two miles, so I got in a total of five yesterday. I was very early, so stopped in Famous Footwear to see if they have Sketchers. They do, and I talked to a salesperson, to whom I mentioned I had to have a broad toe and she mentioned New Balance. I didn't have time to try any on, but was glad to know where I can look for good walking shoes.
When I joined the group, only Vera, Susan, and Gayle were there; they always go early. I joined them with pleasure and later, Roice (a man), Renee, Hannah, and Laydell(?) came. However, Terri didn't;; I was puzzled about that, then checked my messages to see she had written they she couldn't come after all. No prob, though, as Gayle took me home.
Patricia, a new person (well, she's not a new person, she's probably in her fifties 😉, but she was new to our group) came and I liked her a lot. I saw she has some kind of Asian heritage, asked, and she said she was born in Myanmar, which I remember as Burma, but came here as an infant. She has three children and interestingly, her son lives in Osaka, which of course, got my attention. It's too bad she lives in Goleta, which is part of Santa Barbara, as it's a long trip. I hope to see her again.
Anyway, we had a congenial group, as ever. Talked a bit about our lost spouses, which isn't the usual. We're so comfortable with each other, we're also comfortable with that topic. We agreed that, often, it seems the person died only a short time ago, but just as often, as if it was long ago in the past.
Home at 8:00 and I continued watching Double Jeopardy (1999), which I took out of the library. This is a very contrived murder movie, starring Ashley Judd and Tommy Lee Jones (one of my least favorite actors). Yes, the script is idiotic and the acting wooden, but it was filmed in the
breathtakingly beautiful southwest, which I enjoy seeing, plus I do want to know if Ashley goes back to jail.
Still have this damn cold, but I'll take some Thera-Flue and hope I can ignore it.

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