Sunday, November 18, 2007

Finally got on the stick about preparing for Thanksgiving. Went to Shop-Rite and got a free turkey--an 11-pounder--and most of the ingredients for the sides. We're having 9 people, but Joely won't eat much and Tristan is under 4 months old, so I think he'll leave some on the platter. I've had birds of 20 pounds and bigger, but I prefer reasonably small ones, partly because they're easier to handle and partly because I have the idea they're more tender. Incidentally, this is a fresh turkey, but in the refrig, will be okay until December 1--and it'll be in our tummies long before that.
I was really nuts to go to Shop-Rite on Saturday. It was so mobbed you'd think people were stocking up before a blizzard. Naturally, the weekend before the holiday--Rosemary, what were you thinking?
I plan to do a lot of baking soon: banana bread, pies, and a chocolate cake for Alison's birthday. Must get her a gift, too. I'm thinking of a gift certificate from Home Depot or Pier One, so she can get something for the new addition.
I put out the Thanksgiving decorations to go with the two berry wreaths I bought. Have just a few, including a big turkey made of straw. Also got out my Thanksgiving gravy boat and related items. Years ago, I bought dessert plates with turkeys on them and I always use them, too. The house already looks very festive.
Barb H. came over in the afternoon to show me pictures of her and Ray's Hawaii trip. Lucky them, they were on Maui and another island for two weeks. Boy, I'd love to go back.


EBJ said...

After reading your Blog today I must say I am glad I do not have to bake or cook again this year.
The only thing I have to make for Thanksgiving is,"Nana Mix". Would you send me Mom's recipe too?

iloveac said...

OK, now even I want the recipe for 'nana's mix.
Please email the recipe.


Did this and that after breakfast, then left for town at 10:30. Although I wasn't meeting Rosa for two hours, I wanted to check out a mo...