Tuesday, November 13, 2007

The AARP meeting yesterday was actually pretty good. The speaker was from Ocean County Social Services and her topic was the Medicare Prescription D plan. There are changes starting in January--too long and involved to describe here--and it prompted me to decide to look into them.
There was a woman there who insisted that when she went to Walgreen's to fill a prescription, they gave her medication from India! Now, I find this hard to believe. It's certainly illegal (the speaker confirmed this) and why would a big company like Walgreen's do that? I asked if she had notified the FDA and, of course, she hadn't. She had a strong accent and it was hard to understand everything, but it sounded as if she said the medication tasted like ammonia (or something) and when she told them that, they showed her a container marked "Dr. Roonji, of India." Sounds fishy to me.
Later, went to Manahawkin and did something new: looked at clothes at the SOCH* thrift store. I donate a lot of my outgrown stuff there, and have bought household items and magazines, but aside from a few exercise tee-shirts, never clothes. Yesterday, it occurred to me to see if I could inexpensively replenish some of my wardrobe, too . My winter outerwear is so-o-o big for me, so I tried on coats and jackets. Found a beautiful, pure wool coat in charcoal, with a classic, double-breasted design, and in perfect condition. It's a Pendleton--an excellent brand--and is long, very warm, and fits beautifully. As long as I was there, I picked up two cardigan sweaters, also, one never worn with the tags still on it. Total cost? Fourteen dollars. (Although they vary in quality, all the coats are $8.) Love my thrifty buys, and will now look at the other SOCH store in Tuckerton for a winter jacket.
*Stands for "Southern Ocean County Hospital."


iloveac said...

Does it look like or remind you of the 'six button bennys' we wore in high school...i.e. if we wanted to be cool?

Great prices at your thrift store...Rich's mom always gave him a Pendleton shirt for XMAS while she was alive....they lasted forever.

Hope the Prescription D plan has something you can use. I haven't heard anyone say anything about it.

Mimi said...

Yes, Pat, it IS made like a six-button bennie! I must say it's also very slenderizing and looks brand new--who's to know?


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...