Monday, November 26, 2007

Finally tackled the mountain of paperwork that needed to be gone through, read, categorized, filed or tossed. That took hours. I still have to assemble the rest of our financial picture for our advisor, born to us almost 41 years ago, but at least the other stuff isn't weighing on my mind.
Decided to make noodle soup with the turkey carcass (now think: Isn't that the bones of a corpse we're stewing, then--UGH!--eating?!) and the stock simmered for several hours. Smelled good, too. I then took the meat off the bones and added more to the pot, plus onions, carrots, and assorted spices. I gave Pat that for dinner, along with beef tips, smashed taters, and peas, followed by a chunk of leftover pumpkin pie with whipped cream. Even had a minuscule portion of the menu myself (sans pie) and if I write it myself, it was all yum, yum, yummy.
Earlier in the day, I was at the computer with my butternut squash and ice water (a common snack for me), reached for something and dumped over the water! Darn, it went all over the place, soaking the birthday card I had ready for Mike's present, as well as a lot of other stuff. I dried the card, but decided to send another--will include this bedraggled one in his present, which may arrive late, especially as he's going to Tokyo this week.
Ellen called and we enjoyed our usual Sunday night talk fest. She's looking at houses to buy, as the real estate market has tanked around there--yay! Of course, that means a two million-dollar condo might go for only one, but still, it's a hopeful sign. She also got her tickets to come for Christmas--happy day!
Did a lot of other mundane--but oddly satisfying--household stuff and last night, was snug and warm in my new jammies. Not quite like being snug and warm in my husband's embrace, but....
If you live long enough, you know time is a thief.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...