Monday, November 05, 2007

It was a fine, fine day yesterday! The weather was perfect for Joely's last soccer game of the season--mostly sunshiny, but crisply cool and breezy. Unfortunately, Pat decided not to go, as he had had a restless night. I was a little hesitant to go myself, but he insisted I should, so I did. Made and left his lunch, packed my own big salad and ice water, and got to Alison's about 12:30. She was just making Mike's and her--well, brunch, I guess: They had been out running and didn't eat first. She made big servings of omelets, hash browns, toast, and coffee. You can eat like that when you're as active as they are, I guess.
While we were eating, niece Joan called. Her son, Jeremy, was running the NY marathon and she and Alison talked excitedly about that. They're aiming at a date to go hiking/mountain-climbing again. Joan just sent me an e-mail, which included the melancholy information that today was her mother's--my sister, Gene's--birthday. She would have been 83.
After lunch, A. and I went to the soccer game, already in progress. Joel, Jen, and Tristan were there, along with Jen's parents, Uncle Jake, little Gabriel (Joely's cousin, also 5, who had stayed over at Joel's), and a friend of Jen's. It was fun to see the tiny tots play and actually, Joel did well, almost scoring a goal and with good footwork. The kids all got trophies, then were treated to McDonald's (ugh!). We all drove to Wrightstown for that.
While the team members played on the big play-structure outside, our crowd ordered this and that. Alison would starve rather than eat fast food, so just had tea. I had a handful of somebody's French fries, and water.
Alison baby-sat last evening while Joel and Jen went to a movie. They stopped at her place first, to see more of the addition and we all admired the progress. I left about 4:30 after a wonderful day with family.
Joel and Jen said they'd try to get down for a visit next weekend. Also, I told them I was having Thanksgiving and they said they'd be here--yay! Also invited Mike's brother and his partner, but haven't heard back from them.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...