Sunday, November 11, 2007

Ran over to good old Santori's in the morning to get my veggie stash. I swear I'm beginning to regard broccoli as I used to cigarettes: I get frantic if I run out.
D.G. Joel called to say they all have colds, so wouldn't be able to come down this weekend. We had a nice chat, though, and we'll see them on Thanksgiving.
D.S. Mike wrote to say they're vacationing in Thailand. Adorable Vivi loves the water and now puts her head under "for a long time." They're at the Banyan Tree Resort in Plunket, where the tsunami struck hard. Mike said the only evidence of it they saw are the line of palm trees 100 feet from the ocean. Get this: Their tops are snapped off thirty feet up.
It rained steadily into the afternoon and after I got home from Santori's, I decided to indulge myself. Picked up the tape of "Witness" from our clubhouse library and watched it with pleasure. (Hard to believe it's 23 years old.)
Energetic Alison wrote that she and Mike were going to spend Saturday painting, then do a little painting on Sunday, then on Monday (they're off for Veteran's Day), thought they'd paint. They have a lot of walls to cover. Made barbecued ribs in the crockpot and Pat had three helpings. I had a small portion, too, and yea, man!--damn good, if I say it myself.


Dee's Blog said...

Rosemary I know how you feel about your veggies. I love them and really resent not being able to eat most of my favorites such as broccoli, brussel sprouts, spinach is one that I can take or leave.
I'm going to talk to my Doctor on Tuesday to see how I can get off this coumadin. I eat small amounts of meat but would rather have the veggies instead.
Rosemary I was on the AC press obits and noticed there was an obit for a Mrs Marandino, survived by a son Donald. She was 91 and could very well we the Donald we graduated with.

Mimi said...

Yes, Dee, she is that Mrs. Marandino. I saw that the son, "Donald," was married to Patricia, who was Patti Goos. I saw both of them at our fiftieth three years ago.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...