Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Satisfyingly productive, but not frantic, day yesterday. Went to Macy's early to get Mike's birthday present (decided to take back the first one), and was successful in not wandering around looking at all the merchandise--just got straight to the point. I was stunned at the prices in their men's department. Isn't this supposed to be a middle-priced store? Or have I just been out of the loop so long, I'm not up on modern-day prices? Whatever, to spend $75 on a plain, white shirt seems criminal--and believe me, I didn't.
Had just gotten home when Marge called to see if I was available for lunch. Hey, you know the answer to that. Made Pat's ham sandwich and tea, then picked her up. We ate at Dynasty Diner, as we both had several errands to run. We agreed Dynasty food is okay, but the wait staff is barely pleasant. Annoying, but it can be ignored.
Once home, I wrapped Mike's present and took it off to the P.O. He'll be in Tokyo this week, then Hong Kong, so may not get it for his actual birthday (December 5), but I'll call him then, too.
Gave Pat the final Thanksgiving leftovers, and ate the rest of my Caesar salad and broccoli for dinner. Afterward, Susan called to ask if she could bring granddaughter, Sophia, over for a visit. (Susan and her mommy were in from Connecticut, just for two days.) But, of course! Susan, her daughter, Julie, and almost two-year-old Sophia came and we greatly enjoyed chatting--and watching the baby's antics as she immediately started playing with the toys I had gotten out. Took pictures with the digital camera, and I'll send to Susan and Julie.
Today, I meet the volunteer coordinator at the library re bringing books to shut-ins.


iloveac said...

You've gotten me interested in the conversational ESL program. I called to inquire about the program here in VB. I thought there might be a training program for the volunteers, but there isn't one. I was told we'd be helping the students identified by the teachers as needing additional help with conversational english. No committment as to #of hrs/per wk. I will be getting an application for the next class in January. Am interested in how your program as a volunteer will work. Sounds very interesting.

Mimi said...

That's great, Pat! I just talked to the "English conversation coordinator and we switched to meeting on Monday evenings (okay by me). Yours sounds slightly different, as our clients are adults, not students. How often will you meet?
Also just got back from my other library volunteer commitment of bringing books to shut-ins. That sounds as if it will be interesting, too.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...