Sunday, November 04, 2007

Another low-key, but pleasant enough day. Mary Ann came over in the morning to look at my outgrown clothes. She took most of them for either herself or her daughter. I'll donate the rest to one of the thrift stores.
Otherwise, got the Halloween decorations put away, cleaned a bit, and went to Acme, the last an exercise in frustration. Three separate times I asked that an item be ordered (those Popsicle-brand cream sickles I mentioned here weeks ago), and they're still not in. Talked to the frozen food person (Brian, a callow youth and, like his adult female cohorts, barely civil), and he assured me he had never gotten the message. Said he'd order and they'd be in on Saturday. Yesterday was Saturday. I was there. I looked. They weren't in.
Okay, if that's the worse thing that ever happens to me... Watched much of the Notre Dame game with Pat, which they finally lost in double overtime. All was well until Pat and I had an angry exchange and I sulked the rest of the evening. Oh, well, I'm over it now.
Had a yen (could I be pregnant?) to watch Cabaret, one of my all-time favorites, 35 years old or not, but neither of the rental places had it. Ordered it from Amazon--so quick and easy--and will be able to enjoy it for years to come.
Today, we go up to see Joely's soccer game. I don't know the game (it wasn't played in Ventnor, NJ, when I was growing up), but am happily looking forward to another day with Alison and her family.

1 comment:

iloveac said...

I don't know anything about soccer either, but it's fun to watch when your grandchild is playing.

We can have 'blow ups' out of the blue....I'm the one who is most verbal however. I read once where 'hate' isn't the opposite of 'love''s apathy that means it's over. Another expression I often use...probably to justify my 'many a harsh word is used to express deep emotion'. Rich is not very emotional and I am.... I feel (and tell him) I have to say harsh things for him to 'hear' me.
Fortunately the episodes are short lived and not occuring every day.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...