Thursday, November 22, 2007

As I knew it would be, yesterday was one busy, "getting ready" day. Ran over to Acme for some last-minute items. Rolled out the dough for the second pie, filled both with pumpkin, and baked them. Wanted to freeze one, but read on the Libby's label not to, as the filling pulls away from the crust. Maybe I'll skip that and just ask some friends over for dessert to have the second one. While mixing the filling, I had to run next door to borrow a half-teaspoon of ginger from Barbara. My container had this on the bottom: "April 1975." Think it may have lost some potency?
Made the stuffing, and refrigerated it in a bowl. If you stuff a turkey the day before you cook it, you will die by the quickly-multiplying bacteria it harbors. This is a certainty, just as if you threw yourself in front of a train. (Old joke between Betty and me.)
Frosted the cake for Alison. Started pulling out some serving dishes. Somewhat reluctantly, I've decided to use the dishes and tableware that can go in the dishwasher. If I used my mother's good china and the good silverware, they'd all have to be washed by hand and, boy, is that a chore. I'm sure nobody will mind.
Looked over my tablecloths and decided on a Burgundy which matches some of the design on the plates. Set the table and was able to squeeze nine places around it, using two kitchen chairs and a high stool for Joely. Put the serving dishes for the appetizers on the coffee table in the living room. I have several kinds, but am not sure if I'll have time to make "Nana Mix."
In between, I fielded several phone calls, including one from the volunteer coordinator at the library. We'll meet on Tuesday to go over my duties when I deliver books to shut-ins.
We were delighted to get a call last night from Patrick. We had a wonderful chat and I spoke to his lovely bride. She said, "How are you?," I answered, "Fine," and asked her the same; she responded with "Fine." I said "Koneeshiewah" (or something), which means "good afternoon," and we both did a lot of giggling, as that's about the extent of our bilingualism. She and Patrick will have formal wedding pictures taken in December--can't wait to see them.
Must run. Happy Thanksgiving to all!

1 comment:

iloveac said...

April 1975!.....broke me up.
Sounds like a mighty tasty day there at the Molloys.

Have a good one and while you're at it....have a Happy Thanksgiving too.

Go Holy Spirit. Did you check memory lane....your brother Jim has a comment.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...