Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Got my hair trimmed in the morning. At first, I was dismayed, thinking it's too short, but it actually looks pretty good. After yet another trip to Shop-Rite (see later), I then spent most of rest of the day preparing for Thursday. Made the birthday cake for Alison and will frost it today. It's a delectable chocolate and I'll make mocha icing. Chopped the celery and onions for the stuffing and made the apple cranberry relish. This recipe is new to me; contains just chunks of apple, cranberries, sugar, and apple cider, cooked together. Boy, it's good--very tangy. I'll also have the old-time canned cranberry sauce.
I thought Shop-Rite was mobbed on Saturday, but yesterday topped that. However, I got most of the rest of the stuff I need; may have to run over to Acme for a few items--there's gotta be something I forgot.
Alison e-mailed to the effect that Mike's brother, David, will come after all, so I'll set another place. The Bakers will have lunch with Mike's mom in the assisted living facility at noon, then head down here. A. also asked if we could eat at 4:30, instead of 6:00, as had been planned because she and Joel have to work on Friday. Of course, I agreed.
Today, I have plenty to do, including washing the bathroom rugs and vacuuming,* and doing more of the food preparation; will make and bake the pumpkin pie, and complete the stuffing. I also need to get a birthday card for Alison AND a card and gift for my Mike**, whose birthday is on December 5.
*The cleaners were scheduled for last Friday, but I told them to skip it until next week. It's just a hassle to have them here, partly because of Pat's problems. It would have been the week before Thanksgiving, anyway, which wouldn't have helped with sprucing up for it.
**As opposed to Alison's Mike, of course!

1 comment:

iloveac said... are one busy lady. Sounds like you enjoy and are good at it. After the holiday...I'd like the recipe for that cranberry/apple relish...I think Rich will like it. Also..don't forget Nana's mix.

I postponed the cleaning people is a hassle getting ready for them...after the holiday seems best to me.

Not much food prep here at our house...we were going to be in NJ. I think I'll use this free time to start wrapping Xmas presents. Not a bad idea to plan a few days out of town..clear the calendar...then don't go....makes for a wonderful sense of freedom.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...