Wednesday, October 03, 2007

While Susan and I were chatting after our walk yesterday, neighbors Judy K. and Charlie D. (for "Dog") came up and gave us each a bag of Halloween candy. Judy had attached a picture of Charlie dressed in his costume: a tux and top hat. It was hysterical, as Charlie has one odd, staring eye and his expression in the picture was that of a serial killer who had just offed his last victim. Okay, I'll confess: Even I like Charlie, who's a nice little doggy and thoroughly socialized, and doesn't bark or jump up and scare me.
Took Pat to the breathing test. We were both tense about it, but he got through it all right. The doctor reviewed it after and said there was actually a very slight improvement in the numbers since his last test a year ago. It gave both of us a lift when she said, "We're usually satisfied when the condition is stable, so this is good." However, it needs to be made clear this isn't terribly significant--emphysema is progressive and incurable--it's just better than a downturn.
After leaving Pat his lunch (he napped after we came home), I zipped up to Kohl's and bought myself a blouse and two pairs of "ballerina shoes." These were big in 1902 when I was a girl, so I was glad they were on sale. Bought a black patent and a red; however I discovered that the black ones hurt, so I'll return them, but will sport the perky red when I go on my excursions today.
Barb H. came over to get my check for the Women's Club Christmas luncheon on on December 12 (we're making up a table with 8 others) and stayed for awhile to chat.
Unpleasant note: Yesterday, The Press of Atlantic City ran a disturbing story: The pastor of our local R.C. church, St. Teresa's, has been accused of child molestation and has been relieved of his duties pending an investigation. Although I'm happily "fallen away," as the silly label used to be, and have been for years, I'm grieved for many of my friends who are faithful parishioners there.


Dee's Blog said...

Rosemary I can't count the priests that are up on charges here in Ma. Seems like every time you turn around they find another. If anyone had told me this was happening when I was in school I would not have believed them. I probably would have told them that this was some irate protestant spreading nasty rumors. I can't see how the Catholic Church can survive. They are having trouble getting young boys into the priesthood.
I also have left the Catholic Church many years ago.

Mimi said...

Dee, I didn't realize that and it really surprises me (that you left the church). Do you go to a different church or just skip it? I just skip it.

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that Pat's test went "well"--must be a relief.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...