Monday, October 08, 2007

Got down to Long Beach Island about 1:00. After crossing the causeway bridge, I turned left toward the northern end of the island where the race was to finish nine miles away. As I was driving, I thought how incredible it was that 800 people were running that far--and that was only half the course. They leave their cars at St. Francis Center, then are bussed to the starting line on the southern end. Yes, they run the full length of LBI, eighteen miles. Geez, it's mind-boggling.
As I drove along the main road, the runners were on the shoulder to my right. I kept looking for Alison and finally spotted her about four miles from the finish. Beeped the horn, waved, and was thrilled when she vigorously waved back. I'm such an emotional wreck, my eyes actually filled with tears--I'm so proud of her.
Once I got to the finish area, I had time to buy a few cards in a gift shop before taking my stand at the sawhorse barrier. I was annoyed with myself for forgetting my camera, but you can buy pictures of individual runners crossing the finish line. Also, I had pictures from last years' LBI race.
When I saw Alison coming, I cheered her by name. She saw and heard me and, as she always does, raised both arms in the air as she crossed--yay!
After, she told me her time was a half hour slower than last year, the heat being the major factor. Of course, there was plenty of water offered along the route and people had even rigged up hoses on poles to spray the runners as they passed under them--a welcome cooling-off, Alison said. However, the high temperature on LBI was predicted to reach only 72, and it actually got to 80 or above, so it was brutally hot.
Because of that, Mike had had to drop out early on. About five miles in, he knew he was getting overheated and sensibly opted to end the exertion. (Mike is incredibly fit, but he is fifty-eight, so no chicken.) He walked back to St. Francis and, after she had water and a banana, I drove Alison there. A buffet was set up for the runners and, while they ate, I bought a tee shirt commemorating the run. Chatted for awhile--I didn't want anything to eat, having had squash and salad earlier--then left in time to get home just as Pat was coming back from the bay.
Wonderful weekend, as both days were with my d.d. Later, other d.d. called for our usual Sunday evening chat; so good to hear from her, too.


Dee's Blog said...

Rosemary you have every right to be proud of Allison. In fact I'm very impressed with your entire family. You certinly have done a marvelous job of raising them.
I can't imagine running 18 miles, as you said it's mind boggling. I would have tears in my eyes also, after all she is your daughter and you must be sooo proud of her.

iloveac said...

It's difficult for me to imagine running
that distance.
When I visit my cousin on LBI I make a right turn toward the other end of the island, and it seems to take forever for me to reach her street and I'm driving.
Go Alison.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...