Sunday, October 07, 2007

Thought I'd just be doing household chores yesterday, so was pleasantly surprised when Alison called in the morning. She invited me to go with them on a hike in Lebanon State Park. (If they were taking their regular Friday-night group, she never would have asked, as they go 7 to 12 miles then and I'm not quite that nuts.) However, this was A., Mike, and little Lindsay, 4, and Lucas, 3, Mike's biological grandkids. Of course, I enthusiastically accepted and met them about 1:30.
I had had half a butternut squash at home and while I waited for the other hikers, ate the remainder of a jar of pickled beets in the car. (Yes, my tastes are weird--so shoot me.)
It was a gorgeous day and the kids were great. We went a mile down the "red" path and a mile back, so it was a good workout for them. It took almost two hours because we walked slowly so the kids could keep up and stopped frequently to inspect interesting things in the forest. These included the foliage--some edible, such as teaberry--and animal life, such as an emerging moth and two praying mantises (ugh!). Mike is very knowledgeable about the names and properties of plants in the pine barrens (he attends intensive, college-level courses on them). It was a pleasure to hear him identify and describe components of the forest in his quiet, self-effacing way. We sat and chatted under the pavilion by the lake when we got back, the kids making friends with another family there. Got home about 5:00; Pat was fine and I served dinner, then got a shower, and settled down with my wine and popcorn. I was again pleasantly surprised when Alison called to say she and Mike might run in the annual Long Beach Island Run (the length of the island: 18 miles) today, and would I like to go down? Well, of course, I would! She'll call this morning and let me know if they're going to enter.
Later: Well, she did call, they're running, and I'm going. It'll be a nice diversion to cheer them on and I'll enjoy visiting LBI (but I wouldn't want to live there).

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