Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Got my hair trimmed at 9:00, then Pat and I drove up to see Alison's addition. As we were about to leave, Jack B. stopped in. Pat chatted with him while I packed our lunches, he left, and off to Cream Ridge we went.
The addition looks great! We hadn't realized it was that big; it actually comprises an entire new wing. Four men were working on it, two outside, two in. The outside walls are in place, with double windows cut out, and the framing is being done for the two rooms and bath. (The tub is already in.) I didn't go into the existing structure to see the new dining area formed by the removal of the powder room, but can imagine how it opens up the area.
It was such an enjoyable excursion. We parked across from the house, ate lunch in the car, and I got out to take pictures and report back to Pat. We stayed only 45 minutes or so, then drove back. Can't wait to see it when it's finished!
This evening, Leslie and I are participating in the regular monthly peace vigil; location has been changed to Northfield from Absecon; not sure why. Hope there's a good crowd.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...