Monday, October 22, 2007

Dang nab it! I got really, really bad news yesterday when I opened the Sunday paper. In an article first published in The Chicago Tribune, it says that "scientists have amassed persuasive evidence" that drinking any form of alcohol, even in moderate amounts, can pose "a serious threat to your health"--that is, cancer. Even worse, the article quotes the head of public health and regulatory policies in Ontario as saying, "That red wine stuff--how it was supposed to be preventive (of heart attacks)--was hyped completely out of whack by the media..."
Well, damn and double-damn! My one little indulgence that I look forward to every evening is slipping away from me. Now what? Okay, here's my plan of action: I'm going to research the data and see if grape juice is believed to benefit the heart. If so, I'll switch to that even though I don't like grape juice. If not, I'll simply drink diet soda with my popcorn--until they tell me popcorn causes beri-beri or something...
Okay, back to my life, such as it is: Susan had college friends for dinner Saturday night, and had "up time" yesterday (she's in real estate), so we decided to skip our walk. Virtuous girl that I am, I followed the same route by myself. Other than that, puttered around here and there, snatching up a few more things for the thrift store, and generally keeping busy.
D.D. Ellen called, saying the air in Ventura is brown with smoke with the many forest fires still raging in Malibu and elsewhere--all around her, in fact. Hope they don't get any closer. I remember years ago when we were visiting her in Santa Barbara, the smoke and debris filled the air, also.
Other D.D. Alison called. They're home from hiking the upstate NY hills with my niece, her cousin, Joan and hubby, Jim. A. said they had a wonderful time and J. and J. kept up with them nicely. The weather was perfect and she and Mike greatly enjoyed spending time with J. and J. Alison said the addition on their house is coming along beautifully. She's not sure when they'll finish, but they were told it would take about 12 weeks, so--I guess--sometime in the middle of November will do it. If so, maybe we can celebrate Thanksgiving in the new area. Can't wait to see it and may drive up there just to look on the outside.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...