Friday, October 05, 2007

After walking, WW, and breakfast, it was a somewhat ho-hum day. Drove back to Manahawkin to Shop-Rite and got chicken and pork chops, which I'll bread, wrap individually, and freeze. Stopped at the party store for wax lips and eye balls; got ten of the former, two of latter. (No, I'm not going to explain that one.)
Received more items for the Tricky Tray. Otherwise, just did wash and puttered around with this and that.
Betty called to tell me she had bought a lot of veggies and a mandolin. (When I started getting serious about losing weight, I bought one, as well as a chopper.) However, she couldn't figure out the thing goes together and, over the phone, I couldn't, either.
After dinner, I met Marge and Fred at the library to see the two one-act plays put on by the Little Egg Players. They were hysterical and--at my advanced age, always a help--were over in less than an hour so I was home by 8:00.
Cleaners come today, so I want to throw the bathroom rugs in the washer.


Dee's Blog said...

I'm fasinated by that tricky tray, when is it taking place in Oct?
Rosemary when you get serious about something you go all the way. I can't believe you lost 38 lbs, you must look great. What did Pat say about your stunning outfit?
That chicken and pork chops will taste great in a George foremen grill. I saw Holly today and was telling her about my purchase. She said I will definetly taste a difference in my meat on the grill. Being my present condition makes me cut down on fat the grill will be great.

Mimi said...

More and more, I want to get that grill--I'm green with envy.
The Tricky Tray is on October 14. As to what Pat said when she saw me, I don't remember--maybe she does. When are you coming down so we can have dinner at The Crab Trap?


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...