Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Finally got the new blue pansies put in around the front tree. Watered the flower beds twice yesterday, as it's been so hot. Went to Staples to pick up the signs for the Tricky Tray. I'm not crazy about them, as I think the lettering is fuzzy. They're only 17 cents apiece, so I'll try to find time to have them done over. While I was in the big city (Manahawkin), I got some little Halloween gifts for the Singapore contingent. Was going to get a new scarecrow for out front, but decided they're now cliche (every other house seems to have one outside) and got a cloth little girl figure about 3 feet high. I put at the tree out front. Also couldn't resist a string of little skeleton figures that light up and turn colors. Draped them over the mirror in the foyer and they look neat.
Wrapped the door prizes for the Tricky Tray and told Barb H. I'd take her up on her offer to help on Sunday. She also volunteered Ray, who cheerfully said he'd put up the tables.
Talked to Leslie and will accompany her and her church group to the Atlantic City Soup Kitchen tomorrow. Also got an e-mail from Norm (of the coalition) announcing a new "Dinner for Peace" every other Wednesday at Althena's in Northfield. First is tomorrow and I'd love to go, but feel a little guilty about leaving Pat at dinnertime again. I'm going to the Wellspouse dinner in Manalapan tonight and Susan and Walter's on Friday. We'll see.
Susan gave me a copy of an e-mail from a Canadian friend (Walter was born in Canada) emphasizing the drawbacks and horrors of their health care system. Got the same electronically from Ray. I wrote back that maybe the Canadian model wasn't for us, but other countries seem to be able to have workable systems, notably Japan. Of course, they have a different type of country. U.S. Medicare is, and has been, well-run and successful, so maybe we should examine the possibilities of structuring something like that.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...