Thursday, October 25, 2007

I have a dispute with Acme and yesterday, engaged in the opening skirmish. Background: I bank on-line and when I was checking my account, noticed that I was charged the same amount--$37.92--on both the 18th and 19th of October. Now, I buy there often, usually using my debit card, but it strains belief that my purchases would total the same odd amount two days in a row. I printed out the page and started on the infuriating journey to get my money back.
Called Bank of America and, after an long and annoying session pressing this button and that at electronic commands, talked to two people who gave me conflicting advice (that they'd take care of it, or I should go to Acme first). This took a good hour, what with being directed here and there. Finally got a definitive answer: Start with Acme. I took the printout and my story to Acme on Tuesday. Of course, the person I was supposed to see--"Alice"--was off that day, but I was assured she'd be in from 6 to 2 yesterday.
Went back yesterday and, gee, guess what, Alice wasn't there, she was at a "training session." Acme employees tend to be barely civil and the woman I was dealing with was no exception. I said wryly, "Bet it's not customer service training, is it?" which, of course, went right over the woman's head. Talked to another woman who had to make two phone call to find out what to do, then asked me to leave my printout and come back, as she had to "check the figures." Told her okay, that I'd come back after I went to Shop-Rite to get my groceries. That whizzed by two feet over her head, too.
Went back hours later and was blandly assured the error must be the bank's. However, I was given a toll-free number to call which turned out to Albertson's (they own Acme). Had to repeat the whole dreary story, of course, and some sweet, chirpy non-person assured me I'd be called back today.
What annoys me no end is the phony spiel these automatons are always instructed to recite: "May I help you with anything else today?" (Help me with anything else? You haven't helped me yet, except to put me in an apoplectic fury.) "We appreciate your call." (Yeah, sure, you just love dealing with a customer foaming at the mouth.) The particular A-holes at Albertson's say, "We care."
That is infuriating! They care?! That's bullshit of the purest ray serene. They care that some customer in an obscure little burg in Jersey has a lousy overcharge? I'd much prefer the "customer service" (hah!) peon to say, "Hey, we'll look into this, but don't delude yourself that we give a damn because our whole reason for being is to plump the bottom line and get you to spend more..."
Of course, retaliating to the people on the phone is pointless. They're instructed to say what they say and do what they do. I always think I'll write a letter instead--so succinct, hard-hitting, and to the point that it'll be introduced with fear and trembling at a director's meeting in Manhattan right down the street from The Wall Street Journal and the whole corporate structure will be brought to its knees. The next time I enter Acme, I'll be greeted with great rejoicing...
It rained yesterday, but stopped before I picked up Leslie to go to the peace vigil in Northfield. However, it started up again, very heavily, before we got there and the vigil was cancelled. Les and I enjoyed chatting, though, and I didn't mind driving over. Will pick her up again this morning for Weight Watchers.
Later: Yipee! Yahoo! Hooray! Lost 3.6, now weigh 156.6, so am 43 pounds down! Feels good, I can tell you...


Anonymous said...

Dear Mrs. Malloy,

We have been trying to contact you non-stop since this matter was brought to our attention, on behalf of the entire, genuine and caring employees at Acme (nee Albertson's) we would sincerely like to wish you to ...


You MUST be retired.

Anyway, good luck gettin' our (oops, your) $37 back.



P.S. Watch yourself in the parking lot, wouldn't want your fancy-schmansy car to get "dinged" by an wayward shopping trolley.

Mimi said...

I read this first in e-mail and for the first few lines--TOOK IT SERIIOUSLY! Now I realize it was issued from the same seriously deranged person who often claims to be related to me. Uh, no sir, absolutely not--ain't no kin of mine!

iloveac said...

Isn't it comforting to hear on the phone...'your call is important to us'...grrr.

When you use a debit card do you have to sign a receipt of some sort? If they can't come up with one.....they have no argument.

When I use a charge card at some local supermarket we no longer sign for charges under $25.

Dee's Blog said...

156.6 this is soo great Rosemary, you finally made it to the fifties. You must look great.
Keep up the good work, you have this WW down to a science, You haven't gone to WW and gained a single pound every week it's a lose. Congratulation!!!!!!!


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...