Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Was pleasantly surprised to have Marge ask if I was available for lunch yesterday. I was, indeed, and picked her up at 12:30. We went to Dynasty Diner; food's okay, although the staff often seems unnecessarily surly. A digression: I just can't understand this! A job may suck and one's life situation may be hard, but what good is it to take it out on a customer? If you're a grouchy type, don't go into service jobs!
Got Caesar salad, natch, but am tired of chicken. Maybe I should say, am tired of tired chicken, as what they invariably add to C.s. with c. is frozen chicken, tough and tasteless, with phony grill marks on it. Was going to get shrimp, but they jacked that up to $11.50--fer cryin' out loud, this ain't the Four Seasons!--so simply ordered it with tomato.
Marge and I talked and talked, of course. She's had some ailments lately, which I hope are gone soon. After, we went down Green Street to the bay, to say hello to Pat. He was still in his car, as none of his buddies had shown yet, but they did later.
Dropped Marge off, then went home to color my hair. It looks good and I had no mishaps this time, so I changed my mind about getting it done at the hairdresser's. Speaking of which--or whom--I'm getting it cut this morning; just a trim.
I was happy when Pat agreed to go with me to Alison's today to see the progress of the addition. Would like to pack a lunch and maybe eat up there; I'll see what he says about that.
Also changed my mind about my nightly glass of wine. I'll consider cutting down, but want to look into the pros and cons more. In the meantime, will continue to enjoy it.


iloveac said...

Glad you will continue with your nightly libation. I feel certain your cardiologist would tell you it is fine.

I totally agree with you about "grouchy service people". Many (certainly not all) nurses are miserable as well. I read somewhere where they go into the helping profession as an overcompensation ...they don't really like people ...but they overcompensate by entering a profession where they 'take care of people'. Not sure if any research supports that position...but I have known many less than pleasant health care people. I'm sure you have as well.

Loved your description of the phony grill marks...I never thought about that.

Hope Pat does agree to the picnic lunch at A's. Looking forward to reading how it's progressing.

EBJ said...

I say,"drink Up".
When I had my colonoscopy last week,I will say everyone was so nice. they were all so caring to all the Pts.
I have always tried to be extra nice to my Pts., but I have known many in our profession who are not even a little bit nice.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...